Let the Truth Sting

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Chapter Thirty-Nine: Let the Truth Sting

"Hey." Meredith smiled at Cristina as she and I joined her at the nurse's station.

"Hey." Cristina replied. I frowned at I looked over at her, finding her looking at the flowers on the counter, playing with the petals.

"Are you okay?" I asked her.

"I don't know." Cristina sighed. "I think it's all just hitting me, you know, stupid Burke dumping me and then stupid mama coming to reclaim her... magic necklace."

"Do you want to talk about it?" Meredith offered.

"No, not really, not.... yet." Cristina shook her head.

"Okay. Well, if there's anything I can do-" Meredith began to tell her.

"You know, I just wish I had a good, bloody surgery." Cristina cut her off. "You know, bloody surgeries make me feel better. One, Two, Three, Four... follow me."

"What was that about?" I raised a brow at Meredith as Cristina hurried off with her interns.

"I don't know." She shook her head. "But I needed to ask you, will you switch services with me today? I saw that you're in the ER."

"Who are you with?" I asked.

"Sloan." She informed me, causing to frown instantly. "I know that you're not his biggest fan, but he has a surgery today. I figured that would make you consider."

"I can't work with him." I shook my head.

"I thought you two were getting along better now?" She frowned at me. "I thought you were on your way to becoming friends?"

"We were, until Sloan started being Sloan." I told her.

"Something happened." She narrowed her eyes at me. "What was it? What did he do?"

"And there is the subject that I will not broach. I'll take Sloan." I told her before I began to walk away.

"I'm gonna figure it out!" She called after me.

"Yeah, sure." I rolled my eyes, silently hoping that she wouldn't.


"Oh, Joanne, this is why you and I need to get sick, the doctors. One's more handsome than the next." A red haired older woman said as I followed Mark into his patient's room, finding two woman standing next to their friends hospital bed. I had to suppress an eye roll as I glanced behind me, making sure my interns were all following me in, Webber coming in behind them.

"Oh, and here comes the handsomest one of them all." The woman in the bed grinned at Webber. "Hi, Dr. Webber."

"Connie." Webber nodded to the blonde haired patient.

"He took my appendix out three years ago. Barely left a scar." Connie informed her friends. "How's Adele?"

"Um, oh, she's good, good." Weber nodded. "Uh, marriage is hard. Uh, but we're dating again. Uh, and she agreed to date me tonight. But, um, more-more importantly, how-how are you doing?"

"Oh, I just had a little bump on my tongue removed is all." Connie waved it off. "Couple of taste buds. Turns out it was a little touch of cancer. So I'm here to have the rest out. I mean, you know, the cancer, not the taste buds. I don't know exactly how bad it is because Dr. Sloan over there has been awfully quiet."

"'Cause you don't let him get a word in edgewise is why." The brunette woman, Joanne, told her friend.

"Uh, how is she, Dr. Sloan?" Webber asked.

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