36 | A Haunting Melody

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"Yeah, I assumed, and it looks like I'll be joining you." I snickered and wiped my arm across my mouth to get the coffee off my face before leaning back and looking outside the window, seeing the whole Persistence base but in an upside-down perspective. "It's been a week, don't you think Lavender would've asked us to help with the whole capital raids by now?" I asked G as he leaned back to look out the window beside me.

"Tyler was saying something about how they're still trying to organize everything. They also have to gather research for the Human Capital, so I wouldn't be surprised if another week went by with no word for help from them." I let out a sigh and pursed my lips. "Even though all that work won't be fun, I get bored easily and there's nothing to do around here."

G gave me an amused look. "Doll, there's plenty to do around here." I turned to him and furrowed my brow. "But that requires me to actually go outside and be social."

I shuddered at the thought of having conversations with strangers, earning a laugh from G when he saw my reaction. "True, but then you won't be bored." I rolled my eyes while a crooked grin spread across my lips. "Yeah, I'll be uncomfortable and angsty instead." I turned towards G again and quickly kissed his forehead. "Kinda like you."

We both started to laugh, which we then learned was a bad idea to do while upside down. I sat up and clutched my chest while trying to get my lungs to cooperate while G rubbed his vertebrae in pain. I looked over at my empty mug and picked it up before scooting G's mug towards him with my foot.

"If we're gone get drunk on coffee," I started, standing up before reaching down to pull G up next to me. "Then I need like five more cups of this stuff." G snickered while picking up his own mug and following me into the kitchen. "Well, we better get started before the coffee gets cold."

• • •

"Run! We can make it!" G shouted, grabbing onto my wrist and pulling as all of us started to run for the woods. Frisk grabbed onto my hand to keep up, and each of their labored breaths stabbed my heart.

I watched in horror as a glass sphere in a heliplane dropped down and broke into a million pieces around a group of humans before quickly putting itself back together with the humans trapped inside, the glass sphere shooting back up and fitting back into the hole of a heliplane.

"WE'RE ALMOST THERE!" Papyrus shouted, his long legs sprinting across the field where the woods were definitely a lot closer. Frisk suddenly shrieked and fell, causing me to stop with them to help them up and continue to run. "C'mon," I urged, holding tightly onto their small hand as we both continued to run after G and Papyrus who were a few meters ahead of us.

I screamed when glass suddenly rained down around us, causing Frisk to scream as well as the glass began to rebuild itself around us, trapping us both in a glass prison.

"G!" I screamed, pounding my fist against the glass as the sphere started to rise. "Y/N!" he screamed back, panic spreading across his face as he ran back and tried to hold us down with his magic. He let out a shout when his magic had no effect and watched in horror as Frisk and I shot into the sky and into the hole in one of heliplanes.

"No!" I screamed, tears starting to run down my face as I watched G summon a Gaster Blaster on the ground and shoot it at the heliplane. The heliplane dodged the beam before turning around and flying back to the Monster Capitol.

"G!" I screamed again, pounding my fist so hard on the glass that I could feel the bones in my hand shift as my skin ripped, leaving a bloody smear on the glass. "No!"

Sobs racked my chest as the fields became a huge blur from my tears, the small dots of the remaining humans and monsters that had escaped quickly moving to the tree line in the distance—without me.

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