10 | The Persistence

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[ Y/N ]

Out of all the places I would've guessed the Persistence base would be, I never expected that it would end up to be located inside a large cavern that was carved into an even larger mountain.

Huge glass lanterns with balls of fire inside them dangled from metal chains attached to the rocky ceiling above, providing light for the massive city below it. Homes made out of cement and bricks lined the smooth streets with markets and shops dotted around the area to provide easy access to any section of the city. Six wide towers loomed above the city that had banners hanging along the walls in large lettering that read,

"Stay low
Go fast
Kill first
Die last
One shot
One kill
Not luck
All skill."

That was one badass slogan.

Children and adults crowded the streets doing their daily roundabouts or out having fun. I smiled when I saw children with bikes race past while laughing and calling out to each other. I saw a group of women sitting on a porch talking with one another while drinking coffee and sitting on stools while occasionally calling out to their children to behave. Everything seemed so peaceful here.

"Hey, er—I never caught your name," I spoke up, catching the girl who had captured G and I in a net's attention. She waved off the other two people with her hand who nodded and walked off into one of the towers. "The name's Lavender, and you are?" "I'm Y/N, and this angsty skeleton over here is G," I introduced. G let out a "Hey!" behind me. Lavender snickered before walking up to one of the larger towers and pressing her thumb against a keypad that made the metal doors swing open to reveal what looked to be a lobby inside.

"I need to go check on someone then I can show you some of our routes to getting to the Monster Capital. You're free to stay here in the lobby under supervision or come up with me," Lavender said, turning towards us. I looked over at G who shrugged before glancing around the lobby. "Uh, we'll go with you, if that's okay." Lavender smiled and stepped towards a pair of silver doors that opened when she pressed a button with an arrow on it, revealing a small box-shaped room inside. She stepped into the room with G and I following her inside, the doors closing in front of us before the room started to shoot up.

An elevator, I thought, staring at a keypad with a bunch of floor numbers on it.

After a few more seconds, the doors made a small ding noise before they opened up to show a huge circular room with glass windows as tall as the walls that showed the entire city below. Weapons and other training devices were strewn on the dark hardwood floor with two people fighting in the middle while two others watched from the sidelines.

The two people fighting each other in the middle looked shockingly alike so I assumed they must be twins. The only difference was that one was a boy and the other was a girl. They had the same height and both looked to be about twenty, their icy blue eyes sparking with intensity.

The girl's blonde hair was shoulder length and wavy while the boy's blond hair was in spiky tufts and disheveled. Something about the two pulled at a memory somewhere in the back of my mind, but I couldn't get a firm grasp on it so I chose to ignore it and instead focus on the two bystanders.

One looked to be ten years old while the other looked to be twenty. The ten-year-old boy had dark tousled brown hair similar to Lavender's and the same honey brown eyes as hers' too. He had a round pale face and dark freckles with rosy cheeks and a small frame. He looked so innocent that I was surprised to see him watching the two twins fighting with an interested look.

The twenty-year-old dude had a curly black mohawk with shaved sides and darkly tanned skin, his vibrant green eyes down-turned and soft. He had a built body and strong hands, reminding me of a blacksmith or wielder. Despite his physic, he looked like he wouldn't hurt a fly.

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