Barry Allen x Sister Reader

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 Imagine: Having a nightmare and Barry comforts you

Savitar was holding you by the shirt, your older brother Barry stood in his flash suit as he watched in fear. "Barry!" You yelled. The tears streamed down your cheeks you were so scared. "Put her down please Savitar she is just a kid she has nothing to do with this." He yelled. "Now flash I shall take the one person that matters to you the most your beloved little sister." Savitar says. "Barry I love you." You said in tears.  "Y/N don't say that alright you're gonna be okay please just let her go!" Barry yelled. Then Savitar put a hand through your chest stopping your heart as you fell to the ground dead. "No!!" Barry yelled racing to your body and, taking you in his arms. You awoke and, gasped. You were covered in sweat as you had the same nightmare. Barry raced in your room a very worried look in his face, he sat next to you. "Y/N?" You looked at him the tears streaming from your cheeks. "B-Barry?" He pulled you into a hug as you sobbed in his chest you kept dreaming the same. He stroked your hair trying to calm you down and, after a few minutes it worked. "Bad dream?" "Barry, their is something I need to tell you and promise me you won't laugh at me it's serious." He nods, "Yeah sure." You gulped. "I've been having these bad dreams every night and...and Savitar he kills me Barry right in front of you." Barry frowned. "Y/N why didn't you tell me sooner how long has this been going on?!" Barry exclaimed worried. "Ever since Savitar showed up im so so sorry that I didn't tell you sooner I was so scared." You sobbed. "Hey hey look at me Y/N I'm not going to let that happen alright not to you or Iris." Barry says. "Barry what if you can't change the future what if instead of Iris dying I die?" You suggest. "Y/N, you are my baby sister and, I promised mom and, dad I would protect you." Barry says. Before you knew it you and, Barry were no longer in Joes house you were at a graveyard. "What?!" You say in shock. You then realized where you were your parents graves stood in front of you. "" You approached the graves tears filled your eyes, you kneeled. "Y/N, I am not going to let anyone hurt you I don't care how long it takes I'll get fast enough to stop him." You stood and, looked up at your big brother, "Okay..." He smiled and, kisses your forehead and, you hug him tightly. "I love you Barry." You say. "I love your too Y/N." A/N: A short simple one sorry I'm thinking of doing another Harrison Wells teen reader I'm not sure.

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