Dean Winchester x Sister Reader

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You and your brother Sam walk into the bar, where you see dean, he didn't seem like dean anymore, he wasn't. "Dean..." You say. Sam steps in front of you. "Great going Sam, bringing your teenage sister Into a bar..." Dean says. "Dean I've come to bring you home..." Sam says. He chuckles. "What is this a lifetime movie....I told you let me go Sammy." Dean says. "Dean this Isn't you, please we can help you, you can just give up." You say. "And I expect a little girl to convince me, I'm doing my best not to rip your throats out..." "Come, it's getting out of Control, your killing innocent people." Sam says. "...or what you'll kill me, aren't you afraid I'll kill you and make Y/N watch?" "No, because I have hope your still you, that I can change you back into the dean I know and love." Sam says. "Dean please just let us help you..." You say. You begin to cry. "Women are so sensitive, God I wish you'd never been born, such a pain in a ass." Dean says. Later: "Sam, do it...please." You say. He Injects dean with the syringe, as he screams his eyes turn black once more. It stops, and dean looks up at you and Sam. "Sam...i don't want to be cured." dean says. "Not even for your little sister, you expect me and Y/N to just sit here and watch you kill all these people, I want my brother back, and I know there's some piece of you left in there." sam says. "Do you really want me back Sam, hell I could give a damn about you or Y/N, she's not important, why are you wasting time on her feelings?" Dean says. "That's enough for now come on." sam says. You leave and close the door. "Sam, we're gonna get dean back right?" You say. "Yes, I promise...right now it's gonna take time." Sam says. You headed to your room, a few hours later everything went dark and the alarm went off, Sam texted you. 'Dean escaped' "Oh no..." You mumble. You race down the hall when you hear a door open and seen demon dean standing there, holding a hammer. "Oh, hello Y/N..." He says. He began walking towards you, you terrifyed. "Dean, what are you doing?" You say backing up. " know just getting rid of somethings, you can guess what, I mean your pretty smart...where's sammy?" He says. "I don't know." You say. You go running and hide, you hear his footsteps and grab your demon blade, you see him and stab him but, he grabs your arm and twists it, you scream in pain. "You think you can kill me, that's adorable..." Dean says. "Stop please!" You beg. He grabs the blade and put's it to your neck, blood trickles down. "Please dean..." you beg. "Move" He says. You do as he says and walk around the bunker, assuming he was looking for Sam. "Come on Sammy come and get it..." Dean yells. You hoped Sam would show up, dean cuts your arm, your scream again. "Stop!" "You heard her Sammy come on out and it stops..." dean yells. You keep walking, then you see Sam, who looked really worried. "Dean stop now, I'm here, let her go." Sam says. "Okay..." Dean says. He slaps your face, and you fall to the ground, you race over to Sam crying. "Goodbye Sam" He says raising the blade. All of a sudden Cas comes out of nowhere and grabs Dean, holding back causing dean to yell, his eyes change. "Dean it's over..." cas says. They take him back to room and lock him up. "Here let me..." Cas says. He heals your wounds, you hug him. "Thanks cas." "He hurt Y/N, he has to be stopped, I need my brother back cas." Sam says. You go into deans room and sit, you didn't want to see him like that anymore. Then you see Dean walk in, at first you thought he was still a demon but, then he came over to you and sat next to you. "Dean..." You mumble crying. You knew he was normal again and hugged him tightly. "I'm so sorry Y/N, I would never hurt you like that, I didn't mean what I said." dean says. You feel his arms wrap around you. "I know..." You mumble in his shirt. Sam comes in and Cas follows. "Hey." Sam says. "Hey.." You say. "How are you feeling Y/N?" Cas asks. "Fine, now that I have both my brothers back." You say. "Come on Sam, Y/N." Dean says getting up. "Where are we going?" You asks. "To go get some pie." He says. You smile, you were glad dean was back, you knew he never meant what he did and said.

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