Hunter Zolomon X Teen Reader

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Barry always thought Hunter Zolomon was a monster who didn't care about anyone but, he was wrong. A teenage girl sat in an alley crying, she was scared and, alone. She hears footsteps, she saw a man he was about 30ish, his clothes rugged. "Now, what are you doing here, isn't it a little past your bedtime?" He asks. The girl stands up and, slowly backs away from the older man. He heart beat fast, her stomach in nots, she wasn't quite sure what the stranger would do. As she went to run, the man grab her arm, forcing her to look at him. He was quite strong, she couldn't escape his grip, he put his arms around her neck. The girl struggled to escape, kicking and punching at him. "No use, you can't stop me." He was about to kill her when he saw a flash of blue, standing behind him was Zoom. The Man quickly released the young girl as she falls to the ground. Tears were streaming down her cheeks, she huddles in the corner in fear. Zoom grabs the man by the neck. "Zoom." The man says, looking into his demonic eyes. Little did he know those were his last words, zoom took his hand and, put it though the mans chest, stopping his heart. He fell to the ground, hunter unmasked, walking over to the young girl. She backed away. "Hey, it's okay I'm not gonna hurt you, are you alright?" He asks. The young girl nods, she wasn't sure to trust the man, she didn't know a lot about the meta-humans. "W-who are you?" She asks. Hunter sighed. "I'm Hunter, it's okay you can trust me what's your name?" He says. "Y/N." He smiled. "Y/N it's okay your safe now, he won't be able to hurt you." Hunter says. "T-thank you." The girl says. "Don't you have parents?" He asks. She looks down and, nods. Hunter decided she would be useful one day, she was all alone and, had no one. "Y/N, come with me you'll be safe." Hunter says, putting out his hand. The young girl thought for a second, she was all alone and, he offered. She put her hand in his and, smiled slightly, hunter took her to a home. Y/N looked around the home, it was quite nice, hunter figured she would of been tired. "I have to go, will you be fine by yourself?" He asks. "Yes." She says. She decides to lay on the couch and watch TV, a few hours late hunter arrives. He found Y/N laying on the couch asleep, he picked her up and took her to one of the rooms. "You can't be more than 16..." he mumbles aloud. He noticed she was sleeping peacefully, he covered her up and left her alone. Y/N started to have a nightmare about her parents death she screamed. Hunter raced in, sitting next to her and, pulling her close she was shaking. "Shh, Y/N it's okay." He says, stroking her hair. Y/N cried in his chest, she was already fond of hunter, perhaps it was because, he cared for her. Months later: Hunter had been going between the two earths, but he still had time to be with Y/N, he loved her. Y/N was walking down the street, she was now a normal teenage girl, she went shopping and was happy now. She felt as if someone was following her and she turned around and saw a man. It wasn't just any man, it was the man that took her family away from her. He smirked at her, Y/N started running as fast as she could the man caught of with her. "Y/N we meet again." The man pulls out a gun, she backs in the corner in fear, he walks closer to her. "No." "You got me locked up, your the reason I couldn't see my dying your gonna pay." The man says. He points the gun towards her head. "No please don't I'm sorry." Y/N begs in fear. Hunter flashed behind the man, anger filled his face, the man smirked. " can't save her." The man says. "What makes you think that?" He says, walking closer. All of a sudden another man shoots Hunter from behind disabling his speed. Hunter struggles, trying to get up. "Goodbye Y/N." He pulls the trigger shooting the girl in the stomach, she falls to the ground. "No!" Hunter yells. His eyes turn black as he races over the two men snapping their necks, he goes over to Y/N and, picks her up. She flinched in pain, crying she looked at Hunter. "It hurts so much." She says. "I know your gonna okay, stay with me okay Y/N please don't die on me your all I have." Hunter begs. He wipes the tears from her cheeks, putting a hand over her wound. Y/N gets the strength to put her hand over his, a tear goes down Hunters cheek. He races her into the hospital where everyone was shocked. "Help me." He says. The nurses and, doctors race her into surgery, Hunters heart rips in half. He didn't want lose Y/N she was his everything. After a few hours the nurses come in telling him she'll be fine. His eyes turn black in disguise. "I will spare your life, where is she?" He demands. "A couple doors down." The nurse says. They race off. Hunter goes in her room, and sits by her bedside until she wakes up. A hour later she wakes up, clutching her side, she realized she was in her bed. "H-Hunter." She mumbles. "Y/N, thank god I thought I lost you forever." He says, hugging her. "Me too." She says. He pulls out of the hug. "You know I love you very much Y/N." Hunter says. She smiles. "I know, I love you two Hunter." She says. He kisses her forehead. "How about when you get better we get some ice-cream?" He asks. "I'd love that." After that Hunter and, Y/N lived happy, he realized he didn't need to kill anymore. A/N: I tried, it kinda popped in my head

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