Tenth Doctor x Reader

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It was you and, the doctor, you were at Donnas house, it was going to be hard for you. You and, Donna were best friends, she was always there for you, and even gave you advice. "You can never mention me or Y/N, anything we did, anywhere we went, if you do she will die." The Doctor says. "But, Doctor what happened, with the planets." Wilfred says. "It will just be a story, one of those Donna Noble stories, and she'll never remember that their are planets, galaxy's singing her name." The Doctor says. "And, that for one shining moment, she was the most important woman in the universe." You add. You felt your heart break in in two. "Oi, you let me sleep in bed in my clothes like a flippin kid, why'd you do that for?" Donna says, walking in. "Um..." "Hi." Donna says, looking at her phone. "John Smith, um me and Y/F/N were just leaving so...bye." The Doctor says, pulling you along. You and, the Doctor head outside where it was raining, you put your hoodie up. "Doctor, eh you and Y/N gonna be alright?" Wilfred says. "Yeah." He says. You knew he wasn't and, that his voice broke, emotionless. "Eh, and Doctor...you take care of yourself and look after her, but really, every night I'll look up in the sky and, think of you." Wilfred says. "Goodbye Wilfred." You say. You and The Doctor go back to the Tardis, where he takes off his jacket which was drenched. You and him just sat there in silence, after the both of you changed into dry clothes you headed into trip console. The Doctor was just standing there, pressing buttons, that's how you knew he wasn't okay. "Doctor..." you say. You walk over to him and, put your hand over his. He just looks at you, this pain and guilt fills his eyes, you hated seeing him sad. "Y/N,I tried...I really did and, I lose them every time...I'm tired of feeling that pain." He says. "Doctor, all that matters is she'll be safe, and I'm safe, she can have a happy, normal life." You say. "Maybe, its best if I do this alone, I can't risk losing anyone else." He says. A blank expression fills your face. "You...you don't want me anymore?" You say. He sighs. "No, I want you to travel but, after Donna I'm scared of losing you too." You feel a tear down your cheek. "Doctor, I have nowhere else to go, I have no home, no family...nothing." You say. He wipes the tear. "Y/N, your my everything, I only wanna keep you safe." He says. You take his hands. "Doctor, the only way you can keep me safe is letting me stay with you, I know your afraid of losing me too and, one day I'm not always gonna be here, but today is not day." You say. He smiles. "Your right." You hug him and, feel his big arms wrap around you, you just sat there enjoying the moment. He pulls you out of the hug. "So, where to next?" You smile. "Anywhere, as long as I'm with you." You say. He blushes, and presses buttons. "ALLONS-Y!"

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