Tenth Doctor x Daughter reader

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Imagine: Your dad the doctor taking you out for your birthday

It was just you and your father the doctor, he was in his tenth incarnation, you had been with him since he had saved you, but you were from the year 2016. Your mother had died in the war but you were sent to earth and lived a normal human life until you were 14. Y/N..." You hear your father yell. It was your 16th birthday, you race into the console where he was standing. "Yes dad." "Happy birthday..." He says. You smile. "What's in your hands?" You ask. He hands you a sonic screwdriver it was like your fathers only it had a purple light. "Oh my gosh I love it!" You exclaim. He smiles and hands you a box, when you look inside you see a bunch of pairs of converse, the colors you wanted. "I knew you wanted them, you really are just like me...like father like daughter." He says. You hug him tightly. "Thank you." You say. "Your welcome, blimey can't believe your 16 years old, since it's your birthday you get the controls." He says. "Really? Your letting me fly the TARDIS." You say. "Yep." You go to the console and put in where you wanted to go, the TARDIS started shaking, it stopped and you took your fathers Hand and pulled him outside. As you stepped out it was London, you sat on a bench, across from you was Big Ben, it was night. "Wow, it's beautiful." You say. "Yeah...why'd you come here, out of all space and time you come to London." The Doctor says. "Not just London, London 2005." You say. You point to a few feet away standing near the railing was a man and a women, the man had big ears, the women blonde hair, she looked about 19 or 20. "Y/N..." Your father says. "I know we aren't allowed to be here but, I know how much you miss her...I know you can't go to her but everyday I see it in your eyes how much you loved her." You say. He sighs. "Yeah, I do...but not as much as I love my beautiful daughter...your so much like me." He says. He kisses your head. You smile, knowing your father got to see rose again made you happy, even though he'd never seen your mother again he was glad to have you by his side, all space and time, you loved it and wouldn't ever give it up.

"Well...come on then." He says taking your hand. "Where are we going now?" You ask. "To have fun...ALLONS-Y!" He exclaims. You and the doctor went around London and played games and ate sweets and Just spent time together, you loved being with him. The Doctor looked at his child who was now a young woman, he knew she was brave and smart just like her mother, he'd do anything to protect her, just the little moments like being in the TARDIS he all appreciated, and no one  even his enemy's could keep him from his little girl.

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