Tenth Doctor x Reader

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You walked out of the school doors, you were finally relieved the day was over, it was horrible. You were greeted in the courtyard by the doctor who gave you a bear hug. "Hi Y/N, how was your day?" He asks. You sigh. "Horrible..." You reply. You take hands as you walk to the TARDIS, which was hidden in some bushes. "Why, what happened?" The Doctor asks with a frown. "These guys kept picking on me, saying that I didn't matter and that you weren't real..." You say. "Well that's not very nice." He says. As you walk into the TARDIS you put down your backpack and take off your jacket, you go into your room and cry. For the longest time you just sat there thinking about what those guys said, maybe they were right? Then you saw the doctor come in, tears streaming down your face. He sits next to you and wipes the tears away, and pulls you close, resting your head on his chest. "Y/N please tell me what's wrong, I hate seeing you like this." He says. You sniffle. "What the guys said, they said I always messed things up and that I wasn't important, they were right, I always get in the way and put us in more danger, maybe your better off without me." You say. "No Y/N don't say that, you are brilliant, don't let what some stupid boys say let you down." The Doctor says. He wraps his arms around you, holding you gently, which made you calm down a bit. "But I'm not Important, you don't need me." You say. "Y/N, you are important to me, without you I don't know where I'd be...probably dead, I was all alone and had no one, and then I met you, I saw a lonely girl, I wanted you to come with me, and I promise that I will never leave you or hurt you." He says. "Really?" You ask. He smiles. "Yes, and I'm so glad I met you, don't ever forget how brilliant you really are, all those people you helped me save..." He says. "Thank you Doctor." You say. He strokes your hair. "Of course, my brilliant little human." He kisses your forehead, as you take his hand and head to the console. "I just wanna say I'm glad I met you too, because truth is your my friend...my best friend." You say. You kiss his cheek, as he blushes, and presses buttons on the console. "Shall we?" "Yes we shall..." You lean close to him, the TARDIS was your home, and you loved the doctor, he was your family. And you were glad you would never be alone. A/N: decided to write a quick one

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