Ray Palmer x Sister Reader

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Imagine: The Legion Of Doom kidnapping you and, Ray saves you

You and, your brothers team arrived back on the wave rider, Martin was almost killed. "Um, I'm going to the library Ray to check on Dr.stein I'll be back in a sec." you say, walking off. You arrived at the library where Martin was reading a book, you knock. "Dr.Stein." "Oh...uh... I didn't see you there, is their something you need?" He asks. You cross your arms. "No, are you okay, I mean after everything with Damien." You say. He closes the book. "I'm fine like always." He replies. Sara walks in. "Stein you alright?" She asks. "Yes like I told her I'm fine." He says. You thought something was off about Dr.Stein it's like he wasn't even himself...metaphorically. "Okay, well Y/N better leave him alone." Sara says, walking out. Stein grabs your arm. "Actually I could use Y/Ns help." He says. Sara nods and, leaves the room. "Stein what is it?" You ask. He chuckles. "Well quite frankly, that's not my name." Stein says. His eyes turn red, then he punches you and, you go flying. All of a sudden he changes right in front of you he wasn't even Dr.Stein he was the speedster. "You." He kneels to you eye level. "Well look what we have here Y/N Palmer the youngest legend,I've got to say never thought I'd meet you, well your younger years." He says. You slowly back up. "Who are you?" "Eobard Thawne." He says. "Hey, Speedy!" Ray yells. The speedster grabs you by the neck, putting a vibrating hand to your chest. "Do anything and, I kill the girl." He says. Ray slowly puts his gun down, surrendering he looks at you worried, you gulp. "Alright, I surrender." Eobard smirks, looking you in the eyes. "Actually I could use her." He says, speeding you through the ship. Then Jax shoots Eobard with the speedster gun, causing him to release you. "Y/N run!" He yells. You start running the other way until a group of men with guns approach you. "Y/N duck!" Ray yells. You do as he says, as Ray shoots the men and, killing them he helps you up. "Thanks Ray." "Of course, where's Sara and, Jefferson?" He asks. All of a sudden Eobard zooms past you and, Ray. "Damnit he's getting away." You mumble. You rave through the wave rider attempting to catch up with him, your approached by Damien Darhk. "Well what do we have here." You use your gun to shoot him but, he uses his powers to knock it put of your hands. "You can't hurt me, my friends and, I are more powerful than your team." Damien says. Eobard grabs you by the waist and, races you off the ship, talking you to a warehouse. Then, you saw Martin Stein he was locked up in chains. "Y/N behind you." Eobard Thanwe knocked you out, you awoke with a splitting headache. "Ow..." you mumble. "Sorry about that kid." Eobard says. "Coming from the asshole that hit me, why do you need me, I'm not important." You say. Eobard chuckles. "Your let's just say our key to getting what we need, if we keep you here the legends will surrender the artifact." Eobard says. "That's your genius plan, three super villains kidnap a teenage girl." You say. "It will work, trust me, besides don't you wanna know your future Y/N?" Eobard asks. "No, I don't." He approaches you  kneeling to your eye level,smirking at you. "Oh come on surely you want to know the woman your gonna become, your success." Eobard says. "No one is supposed to know what happens in their future." You say. "Ah, but you Y/N Palmer your so different in the future, your rich and, famous only you never cared about the money, you always cared about helping people."' Eobard says. "You know kidnapping her wasn't my plan why should we listen to you Thawne?" Malcolm says. Eobard turns to Malcolm. "Because, she's the most vulnerable legend since she's also the youngest...a 15 year old vigilante." Eobard says. "So a snot nose teenager?" Damien says. "Rude." You say. Malcolm approaches you. "Y/N what if I make you a deal?" Malcom suggests. You huff. "A deal with a former member of the league of assassins no thanks." "Kid, I can change your life I can make it better, my speedster friend can go back and, save your family." Malcom says. "What do you mean?" "He can save your mom and, dad before the accident, you'd grow up with them." Malcolm says. "How do you know about that?" You ask. "I told them, Y/N this is your only chance...to alter your life without consequences." Eobard says. A tear falls from your cheek. "No." Eobard sighs. "Fine, since we have you I guess we don't need the old man anymore." They bring Martin out. "We're gonna kill the old man...then maybe your friends will listen to us." Damien says. They put a gun to Steins head which makes your stomach drop. "Y/N whatever happens don't tell them where the artifact is you don't know what they'll do." All of a sudden the men holding guns drop to the floor dead. "Hey!" Sara yells. You smile. She fights the men as Eobard, Malcolm and, Damien rush off, Jax unties you. "Thanks." Ray approaches you, you ran into his arms for a bear hug. "Y/N I'm so glad your okay." "Yeah but, we got a problem they want that artifact thingy but, I don't know what for." You say. "Well whatever they want it for it's not good let's go back to the wave rider." Sara says. You arrived on ship you and, Martin unharmed but, they still got away. You were sitting in your room, you pulled your knees up to your chest. You thought about what Eobard said, he could of saved your parents. You began to cry, thinking of the life you could of had. "Y/N?" Ray says. He walks inside and, sits next to you, he notices the tears streaming from your face. "Ray..." you sob. He wraps an arm around you, you rest your head on his shoulder. "What is it did they hurt you? How dare they touch a hair on your head." "No, it's not that, it's what they told me about mom and, dad." You say. Your parents died when you were only 2 years old, Ray has been taking care of you ever since. Ray was your big brother and, you loved him to death. "Don't listen to them." "Ray, they offered the change of us getting mom and, dad back and, I said no." You say. "Y/N don't say it like it's a bad thing, you know we can't change our past...but, that doesn't matter." Ray says. "Ray, I don't even have memories of them I was too young to remember." You say. He wipes the tears from you cheeks. "Remember when you were little and, we went to London and, you got lost, I was so scared...I know you must of been." Ray says. You smile and, nod. "Yeah, it took you hours to find me but, in end you did I never gave up hope." You say. "Y/N your my little sister their isn't anything I wouldn't do for you, no matter what I will always find you." Ray says. You smile and, hug him. "Thanks Ray." "Now, lets go get ice cream that usually cheers me up." Ray says. Raymond and, Y/N were the two most important legends perhaps it was because they never gave up on each other, no matter how hard it got. No one not even the legion of doom could brake their everlasting bond.

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