Twelfth Doctor x Reader

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You were one of the Daleks prisoners, only you  were a time-lady, you were quite young, only 16. "The time-lady will be exterminated!" You heard the whoosh of a TARDIS, a man stepped out, gray haired, jacket, a woman behind him. "The doctor has been detected!" "Ah yes, it is me, but before you get to killing anyone why have you captured this human child." The man asks. He had a thick Scottish accent, the woman approached you, grabbing your arm. "She is not human!" A Dalek yells. "Pardon me?" The man says. "Um...we should run!" You yell. You grabs the mans hand and run into the TARDIS dodgeing the lasers. He quickly shuts the doors and starts pressing buttons. "That was close..." You mumble. "Yeah, I'm Clara and that's the doctor." The woman says. "Y/N..." You say. "What did they mean your not human?" The doctor asks. "Probably nothing...thank you, they've had me prisoner for days..." You say. Clara goes to say something but, the doctor cuts her off. " hear that, there's five heart beats in this room." The doctor says. "No, there should only be four, you have two hearts and me and Y/N." Clara says. The doctor looks at you. "Y/N...are have two hearts that's impossible." The doctor says. He looks at the scanner, shocked, he comes over to you. He gets out a stethoscope and listens to your heart, he puts them up in shock. "Doctor was is it?" Clara asks. "Y/N, your a time-lord..." "I'm sorry, I....they wanted to use me to make half Dalek half time-lords, I couldn't let them." You say. Tears stream down your face, Clara pulls you into a hug. "It's okay...." "How old are you?" The doctor asks. "16." You reply. "A 16 year old time-lady, how long have you been on your own?" The doctor asks. "Since I  was little after my mom was killed by Daleks I had nowhere else to go...I stole a vortex manipulator and travel." You say. " have to let her come with us she's only sixteen." Clara says. "Clara, I have enough going on..." "A lot going on? You complain about being alone and now you find someone just like you and you want to leave her behind, I know the doctor helps people, he doesn't abandon them." Clara says. He sighs. "Y/N, me and you are the last of our kind, I've been running all my life, would...would you wanna travel with me?" He asks. You smile. "Yes!" You exclaim. You rush over to the doctor and hug him, only he didn't seem to hug you back. "Y/N, I'm not much of a hugger..." He says. "Well we'll have to change that." you say smiling. So from moment on The  Doctor, Clara and Y/N traveled all across Time and space, they went to different planets and save life's. Y/N became more brave and she loved traveling, and she saw amazing things

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