Nathan Drake x Sister Reader

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 Imagine: Finding out your brother is alive after thinking he was dead

You came home from school, Sully was sitting at his desk working on something. "Hi Y/N." He said. You sat your backpack on the couch and went to your room. You didn't come out the whole rest of the night, it had been months since your big brother Nathan disappeared. You being the youngest was stuck with Sully and, Sam was out for awhile. You remembered the day he went missing Sam, Sully and, Nathan were on a small job. When the two returned without him you knew something was wrong. A few hours later you were laying in bed when you heard a voice talking to Sully and, Sam . You got up out of bed and, walked downstairs, you paused when you saw Nathan. "Nathan?" He smiled, "Hey Y/N." "Hey, that's all you have to say where the hell have you been I thought you were dead Nathan!" You yelled. He walked closer to you and, you backed away. Tears stared streaming your cheeks and you didn't even realize it, he had been gone so long. "Y/N...please." Nathan begged. "I'll leave you guys alone." Sully added before walking into the other room. "Nathan....I thought you were dead Sam told me what happened at first I didn't wanna believe it." You say, emotionless. But, Nathan extended his arms and, embraced you in a hug. "Y/N I am so sorry that I didn't contact you sooner, I should of came home." Nathan said. "Why didn't you?" You sobbed. "Ah you should of been there Y/N the amazing things I saw, the people I met." Nathan said. You pulled out of the hug. Sam walked over to the two of you, "Y/N, I just found out." He replied. "I'm sorry I yelled it's just-" Nathan put a hand up. "I know, you were scared and angry I get it and you have every right to be." You nod. "How about we all three sit down and talk about Nathan's adventures." Sam suggested. You smiled and, the three of you grabbed some ice-cream and, talked for hours laughing and smiling. "Sounds like you had some good times huh?" You said laughing. Nathan smiled. "Yeah I did, So while I was gone what did I miss anything important?" You punched him in the arm. "Only my sixteenth birthday." You said. " I can't believe my little sister isn't little anymore time goes by so fast, I guess I don't wanna watch you grow up." Nathan said sounding a bit sad. "Aww don't be sad, I'm still your little sis." You said. Sam pulled something out of his pocket and handed it to you. "What's this?" You asked. "Ah, I believe you got my gift then Sam?" Nathan asked and, Sam nodded. You opened the box and, inside was a heart shaped necklace, you opened the locket and their was a photo of the three of you. "Nate, you shouldn't have thank you it's beautiful, I love it." You said. "You're welcome now when me and Sam go away we will still be here with you." Nathan said. You smiled and, gave him a small hug, "I have the big brothers in the whole world and I wouldn't have it any other way." Sam and, Nathan smiled. "Yes you do Y/N, yes you do." Sam said, laughing. Nathan kisses your head. You loved your brothers to death even though they went on dangerous adventures it's what made them so specials. A/N: My first Nathan Drake imagine sorry it's short.

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