Tenth Doctor x Reader

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Imagine: The Master taking you prisoner but, the doctor protects you

The Master had the whole world under his control, you were terrified, you came home from school, to find him, he murdered your family and captured you. He took you to a building, where there was a man, he was wearing a blue suit, long coat and gravity defying hair. One of the guards threw you in a cell with the man, who was pacing back and forth. "Enjoy your roommate doctor." You sit in the corner and begin to cry, pulling your knees close to your face, your family was gone...you had no one. To your surprise the man sat next to you, he put a hand on your shoulder trying to comfort you. "It will be okay, I'm the doctor what's your name?" He asks. You look up, tears streaming down you cheeks. "Y/N." you reply. He smiles slightly. "Nice to meet you Y/N, what's wrong?" He asks. At first your quiet but, then the man did something unexpected, he put his hand over yours, you then felt the need to trust him. "I came home from school and that man he...he murdered my family, who is he, why did he?" You exclaim. "Because, he's a bad person, and I'm going to stop him, I promise Y/N, I won't let him hurt you." The Doctor says. You wipe the tears away, and look into the mans brown eyes, he appeared to be young but, his eyes were so old. "Promise doctor?" He nods, and smiles.   "Promise." You had just met this man but, you weren't so sure why you trusted him so much, like you could tell him anything. You get a little tired and lay your head on his shoulder, he wraps his arms around you as you slowly drift off. You awoke and the doctor and the man were talking, you went over to the doctor, staying behind him. "Why do you need this girl?" The doctor says. "Why do you care, what is it with females trusting you?" The man says smirking. "She's a child and, you murdered her family, why she has nothing to do with this." The Doctor says. "Because, I know how much you care about the human race, and I wanted to see what you would do, hello Y/N." The man says. "Stay away from her!" "Don't be so daft, I only want to talk to her, so Y/N what does it feel like to be all alone?" The man says. "You murdered my family you monster, who the hell do you think you are!" You yell. "I'm the master, so tell me Y/N do you trust the doctor, a mad man with a box?" The master says. You didn't say a word, you feel the doctor take your hand. "Quiet then...alright, so doctor how would you feel if I killed your new friend?" The master says. "I won't let you." The doctor says. The men open the door and grab you, as you kick and scream you try to escape but, it was no use. "Let her go right now!" The doctor yells. You feel a gun to your head which, feels you with fear, a tear goes down your cheek. You could see the worry in the doctors eyes, that he cared about you. "I'll let your precious companion go if you let me kill you, id be happy just taking your life." The master says. He looks at you and then back at the master. "Okay, kill me, just let the girl go." The doctor says. He releases you throwing you to the ground. The Master approaches the doctor, with some type of laser screwdriver. He aimed it at the doctor. "Oh you have no idea how long I've waited to do this, after I kill you I'm going to rule this earth and you won't be here to stop me!" The Master says laughing. "Yeah, and what about everyone else...what about her?" He asks. "Well I could use her as a worker, it's not like she's important just a little girl." The Master says. You were sixteen, and didn't like being called a little girl. You noticed a gun and grabbed it, you snuck of behind the Master. "Any last words doctor."  He nods. "Goodbye Y/N." But, before the master could kill the doctor you pulled the trigger, watching as the master fell to the ground dead. You began to shake, you had never killed anyone, the doctor raced over to you. You hugged him burying your face in his chest, as he picked you up in his arms, stoking your hair. "It's okay Y/N, I'm here, he can't hurt you." The doctor says. The Doctors POV: Y/N fell asleep in my arms, poor thing was shaking, I took her to one of the guest rooms, she must of been terrified, she had killed the master. I looked the girl up, then I realized she had no other family, she was far too young to be on her own. Maybe she could come with me? 'No she's far too young and it's dangerous' I thought to myself. I went into the room to make sure she was alright, she was sleeping peacefully, she couldn't of been more than 15 or 16. She seemed pretty brave and, she would make a good companion, I hated being alone. I decided it would be best if I took her in and gave her a home, I already seem close to her...as if she was my own. Your POV: You awoke, the doctor sitting by your side, stroking your hair. "Are you alright?" He asks, gently. "Yea...I think so." You reply. "That was really brave of you, you saved my life Y/N." the doctor says. You smile. "Why did he want to kill you?" You ask. The Doctor sighed. "He was an old friend...long ago and then we became enemies." The Doctor says. "Oh, I'm sorry." You say. "That's okay, I want to show you something." He says. He takes your hand as he leads you down hallways which were huge and confusing. You came upon a room that appeared to have a console and round things. You approached the door confused, unsure of what to do, you look at the doctor who's smirking. "Go on, open it." You open the door, your eyes widen as you look around, you were in space. "What??" You exclaim. "I know cool isn't it?" The doctor says. "It's mad, completely mad, but it's amazing how does it do that, are you an alien?" You exclaim. "Yep, and this is my ship, it's called the TARDIS, it can travel anywhere in time and space." The Doctor says. "How are we breathing?" You ask. "She's protecting us." "She...I like that." You say smiling. "So what do you say Y/N come with me? Anywhere in space and time, me and you." The Doctor says. "Yes, of course, thank you." You say. You run into his arms and he hugs you, he then kisses your head. "Your gonna be brilliant Y/N." At that moment, you felt attached to the doctor, the man who saved your life became your best friend, and you knew he cared about you. As you and the doctor traveled he told you amazing stories about his companions and his adventures. And, to this day you would always remember the day he saved your life. A/N: I love writing fluff 😊❤️❤️

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