Tenth Doctor x Teen Time-Lord Reader

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Imagine: Your teacher is the doctor and you find out your a time-lady and, he lets you travel with him.

A/N: Re-write of my first one

You were walking to class, you hated high school, it was the middle of your sophomore year. You headed to your 6th period class which was archery, as you were walking down the hallway you bumped into a man. He was skinny, wearing a blue striped suit, burgundy converse, his hair was sticked up, you dropped your notebook. "Oh I am so so sorry about that um..." "Y/N, and that's alright." You reply smiling. He picks up your things and handed them to you, noticing the drawings of the blue box. "That's a good drawing Y/N, where'd you come up with it?" The stranger asks. "Um well I just saw it in a dream I guess, I have a overactive imagination." You say. He a thick, British accent. "Well..." He says. You hear the warning bell ring. "Crap, better go don't wanna be late." You mumble. "Yeah, nice meeting you Y/N." He says walking off. You quickly headed to class and sat down in your normal seat. But, you look around noticing the teacher wasn't there, which was unusual because, he was always there. Your friend Jamie sits next to you. "Hey Y/N, where's the teacher?" She asks. "I don't know..." You reply. A man walks in, it was the man from the hallway, only he was wearing brainy specs. "Right hello class I'm Mr.smith unfortunately something came up and your teacher could be here, so I will be filling in, now I'm sure all of you are wanting to shoot today, but since he isn't here I'm  afraid you can't; therefore I will let you do as you please." Mr. Smith says. He looks at you with a smile and winks. 'Weird' you think to yourself. You decided to take out your music and notebook and draw, only you drew a weird alien creature. Mr.Smith was walking around, when he noticed what you were drawing. "Hello Y/N, and what might that be?" Mr.Smith asks. "Something else from my dream, it's called a Dalek, they are from the planet...hmm scaro I think, and they yell 'exterminate' a lot." You say. He looks at you strange, wondering how you could've known all that. "Interesting..." He mumbles. Your head began to ache a bit, you decided to head to the office. But, on the way there you heard a weird noise, you walked over to the teachers lounge where you saw your archery teacher laying on the ground, you raced over to him checking his pulse...nothing. Which, concerned you about who that strange man was, you heard something. "Time-lords detected!" It sounded just like those creatures from your dreams, then you saw it coming from the shadows. It pointed it's laser towards you, you fill with horror, you feel someone grab your hand, it was the teacher. "Run!" He yells pulling you along. You run as fast as your feet can take you, where you and the man hide. You were gonna scream but, he puts his hand over your mouth, as the creature goes by not noticing. "That...that was a Dalek...how can it be here it's only in my dreams." You pant. "Question is why was it after you?" Mr. Smith says. "Mr.Smith what the hell is going on, and what did you do to my teacher, who are you really?" You exclaim. "That Dalek killed him and I'm The Doctor, now why would a Dalek be after a teenage girl? I mean your not important, or super duper clever." He says. You smack him, feeling offended. "OI, what was that for?" He exclaims. "Who are you?" You ask. "I told you the doctor, now Y/N listen to me, we need to stop that Dalek before it kills anyone else." The Doctor says. And then you saw it, the small blue box from your dreams, how is it possible? "Y/N, this is very important do you have a fob watch with you?" He asks. You pull it out of your pocket. "Yeah, how'd you know?" You ask. "You need to open it I need to know." He says. "Know what, what are you blabbing about?" You say crossing your arms. "Y/N please open the watch." He says. "Fine if it will get you to leave me alone..." You open the watch and memories flood, of your family and the time-war. "The time-lords will step out or the humans will die." The Dalek yells. "Y/N, what did you see?" The Doctor asks, grabbing your shoulders. "I...I saw nothing, told you, but that thing is gonna kill us." You say. "No, not unless we go out there." He says. "Doctor it will kill us anyway." You say. "Y/N, we've got no choice it's ether we go out there or everyone here including your friends will die." The Doctor says. He could see the fear in your eyes, you had to make a choice, watch everyone die or face that thing. He holds out his hand, you then began to feel the need to trust him, you look over a him, and put your hand in his. You walk outside scared to the bone. The Dalek creature approaches, the doctor felt your hand grip tighter, he looked at you. "Y/N, it will be okay I promise." He says. "The Doctor should not make promises he can't keep." The Dalek yells. "Yeah yeah, don't you ever give me a break, besides why do you need a little girl?" He asks. "She is a time-lord just as you." The Dalek exclaims. "No she's not, I checked, I think I'd know another time-lord." The Doctor says. The Dalek looks between you and the doctor and then raises its gun. At that moment you felt you're stomach turn, you knew you were going to die. "You have the ability to love, you have compassion but, children are your weakness." The Dalek says. "Yeah, so tell me, I'm pretty sure Daleks don't have children, so why are you telling me, you have no idea what loss is, your not even capable of loving someone." The Doctor exclaims. Then you knew, that he must of lost much, to stand up to that thing and not be afraid. "So tell me doctor are you afraid of losing her?" The Dalek says turning towards you. "Yes...but I'm not gonna let you hurt her." He says. You then smirked, confusing the Dalek. "What is so funny explain...explain!" The Dalek yells. "Ahh, you aren't as smart as I thought you were, I thought you would realize by now." You say. "Your humans doubt our intelligence!" "Well that's the problem, all you know how to do is kill and die, no wonder there's no more Daleks in existence, and I'm not human." You say. The Doctor smiles, as you throw the fob watch in front of the Dalek. "You are a time-lady, you will be exterminated!" It yells. Then the doctor used the sonic to set off the fire sprinklers, malfunctioning the Dalek. You use the sonic to make the Daleks self destruct go off. You and the doctor got everyone away from it, and then it exploded. You were all in front of the school, the doctor picked you up and spun you around. "That was brilliant Y/N." He says smiling. Your friend raced over to you and gave you a tight hug. "Oh my gosh your okay." Jamie says. "Yeah." You reply. "But, that was the thing from your dream, how was it real?" "Well...it's a long story." You say. After everyone celebrated, the doctor took your hand and took you into a janitors closet, where the TARDIS was. "What are we doing here?" You asks. He smirks and opens the door, you eyes light up, the box was bigger on the inside with a console and round things. "It's bigger on the inside!" You exclaim. You go over to the console and your hands over the buttons, you then look over at the doctor, who smiles childish at you. "Why did you bring me here?" You ask raising a brow. "Well you are a time-lord and I thought since you are pretty tough, what do you say Y/N come with me?" The Doctor asks. "Where?" "Anywhere you want...me and you, because we're the only ones left, which we means we have to move on, and it's amazing out there, me and you saving planets, well if you want." He replies. You go over to him and give a big hug, wrapping your arms around him. "I'm guessing that's a yes." He says. You looked up at him and smile. "Your gonna be brilliant Y/N." He says kissing your head. As he pulls out of the hug he races over to the console excitedly. "Right, so we can go anywhere in space and time, oh how about we meet John Steinback I love his books, or we could visit the madusa cascade or how about meet Elizabeth the second?" The Doctor says. You think for a minute. "How about the future?" You say. He nods and presses buttons on the console. "ALLONS-Y." He exclaims. You giggle, you knew you and the doctor were gonna be amazing and that he loved you with both his hearts. Over the months you became close to him, he was like a father to you, and you'd seen amazing things. It was just, well as the doctor used to say...fantastic! A/N:Fun fact: I really to take have archery as a class and it's fun although I hit the white a lot I'm getting better. Also have any requests, I do romantic, fluff, sad ect: Ps: I'm a bit rusty when it comes to the romance ones but I'll give it a shot 😉

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