Barry Allen x Reader

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You walked into star labs, you were dressed in a long, purple dress and wearing black high heels. You saw your boyfriend Barry dressed in his handsome suit. "Hi Y/N." He says. You go over and he pulls you into a kiss, everyone smiles at you. "Hey Barry." You say. "So ready?" He asks. You smile and take his hand. "Woah where are you two going?" Cisco says. Caitlin punches Ciscos arm, causing you to giggle. "Their going on a date." She says. "Oh awesome, well don't worry, the meta-human activity has been low, so you'll be fine." Cisco says. "We'll call, if anything comes up." Iris says. You smile and nod and head to the restaurant where you and Barry sat down and ordered drinks. You just as Barry got powers from the particle accelerator, you had the ability to control minds, which came in handy. "Barry this is amazing thank you." You say. He puts his hand over yours. "Of course, after everything that happened with the reverse flash and polarity, all I wanted was a chance for me and you to get away from the meta-humans." Barry says. "I know it's been hard...and I just loved saving people, after my parents died I lived in that orphanage so long, until I got a job at star labs, then I met you...I love you Barry Allen." You say. Your wrap your arms around his neck, and he puts his hands on your waist, we you begin to dance. He kisses you softly, which caused you to blush. "Love you too Y/N." He says. You begin to just stand there, resting your head on his shoulder. You both had lost so much, getting your powers, learning about what happened to him, you loved him so much. "Barry promise me something." You say. "Of course Y/N." "Promise me no matter what happens with the breachers and zoom, that no matter what you'll always be with me, to always be careful." You say. He pulls your hair back. "Y/N, no matter what happens I'll never leave you, when I first met you I still had some feelings for Iris but, I know she loves Eddie, and your the reason I go on, I mean saving people from burning buildings, all that matters is that we are together." Barry says pulling you into a hug. "Together me and you..." You say smiling. You kiss his cheek. You just sat there in silence as he held you in his arms, Barry was your life, and no matter what the reverse flash said, you were happy. A/N: Tried writing a romantic one sorry it's crap because I'm not really good with it but, anyway hope u like it 😊

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