Tenth Doctor x Daughter Reader

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You and Martha and the doctor ran in the TARDIS, you made sure the family of aliens didn't see you. "Dad..." You say. "Y/N, Martha did they see you?" You father franticly asks. "No, what the hell are we going to do?" You exclaim. He pulls a device from the TARDIS. "What the hell is that?" Martha asks. "This device is going to turn me human, that way the family can't track me, Martha, Y/N, it is very important you watch over me, I've parked the TARDIS where it can't be detected." The Doctor says. "Wait what about Y/N she's still a time-lord won't those things detect her too." Martha says. "Don't worry, I've made it so they your human, you'll be fine, but once I do this I won't have a idea who I am, and Y/N, you'll still be my daughter." The Doctor says. "Okay, will it hurt?" You ask concerned about your father. "Maybe but, I'll be fine and Martha, Y/N, number one rule don't let me leave you." The Doctor says. You nod. 6 months later: your father was a teaching a class, you were the only girl student there. "Okay class remember to study for the pop quiz Friday." He says. Your father gathers his things from desk, you help him, mostly textbooks, and papers. You go to his room and put the stuff down, you notice the journal he'd been writing in. "Dad have you been having those strange dreams again?" You ask. "Yes but, they are just dreams." He says. "What are they about?" You ask. He chuckles. "I dream I'm this some sort of time traveler and I have a companion and fight aliens, but then I see the universe and amazing things, honestly I wish it was real". He says. "Yeah..." You feel a tear down your cheek, your father comes over to you and embraces in a hug. "Hey sweetie what's wrong?" He asks. He rubs your back as you cry in his suit jacket. You sniffle. "Dad...what if your dreams were real?" You say. "What?" "I mean what if you were a time-traveler and you did fight aliens." You say. Your father smiles. "Y/N, it's just a dream...how about you go get some food okay?" He says. You nod. "Okay, I love you." He says kissing your head. You headed outside where Martha was with tea, she looked as if she had a hell of a day. "Hey Y/N." Martha says. "Hey." You say emotionless. "Y/N what's wrong?" "Martha, I want my father back, I want the doctor back, and he's been having those dreams again." You say. "Y/N, I promise I'll get the doctor back soon it's just we need to be careful, as soon as that watch is opened they'll be able to detect him." Martha says. You sigh, as you take a drink of your hot chocolate. You see some of the boys from your fathers class snickering at you. "What are they laughing at?" Martha says. "If you haven't realized I'm the professors daughter and I'm the only girl in the whole school." You say crossing your arms. "You know I think you should go to an all girls school you don't belong here." One of the boys say. " I told you I have no other choice." You say. "You think you could do what you want just because, your the daughter of the professor." Another replies. "No, but I have more knowledge of anyone here, and I've seen things you wouldn't believe, I've seen the end of the universe." You say. They chuckles. "The girl is mad..." One of them say. They go off laughing at you. "They just don't believe me..." You say. Martha laughs. "Yeah welcome to my world, well better get back inside its freezing." Martha says. Time skip: The family was attacking the school, someone had opened the watch, you and Martha raced to your dads office. "Mr.smith we need to go right now." Martha says. "What are you talking about Y/N you should be in class." He says. "Dad listen to me we need to go, the school is under attack and they've prepared a squad." You say. "Doctor I'm sorry I need to snap you out of this." Martha says, she slaps the doctor. "Martha what in gods sake is wrong with you?" Joan says. "Joan you need to leave right now, dad do you still have that watch?" You ask. "Um I did...it was on the stand I swear." He says. You take his hand pulling him outside, Martha followed, you all hid a bush. "Martha why'd you call me doctor?" Your dad asks. "Um you'll know later..." "Who are those people,and what in the hell is that box?" Joan asks. "Wait I know that box, it's the time machine from my dreams, but they're not real." John says  "Dad they are very real...come on we need to get away from them." You say. You arrive at a little cottage, it was very empty, you all sat down. "So why are these people after me, why am I so important?" He asks. "I told your the doctor, me and you and Martha travel in that box it's called the TARDIS. There is a knock on the door. "Don't open it, it could those aliens." Joan says. "I'm pretty sure aliens don't knock." Martha says. She opens the door, it was a boy from your
fathers class, he became your friend. "Tim what are you doing here it's not safe." "Actually I have to give you this." Tim says. As he opens his hand it reveals the fob watch that contains the doctors memories. "The watch...." Martha says. "This doctor who is he?" John asks. "I opened the watch and I saw him, I saw all his lives and what he had done." Tim says. I look out the window and see the aliens killing people, you begin to worry. "Please dad just open the watch and then you'll know I wasn't lying...your the doctor, my dad the hero..." You say. He looks at you, your in tears. "Doctor listen to me...right now those things are killing everyone, and your the only one to stop them." Martha says. "But I'm not this doctor I'm just John Smith that's all I am...I'm not special or important." He says. "He's like fire and ice and rage. He's like the night and the storm in the heart of the sun he's ancient and forever. He burns at the centre of time and can see the turn of the universe." Tim says. "Stop just stop it!" John yells. "And....he's wonderful." "Doctor, please if you want everyone to survive including Y/N you'll open the watch." Martha begs. "John do it...please." Joan says. He looks over at her. He nods and opens the watch, hoping he'll remember, but nothing. "I'm sorry it's...I'm getting nothing, maybe you were wrong." John says. You begin to break down in tears when the son of the family is outside. "Come on out doctor, you and your daughter, and we will stop killing people, it's your choice." He exclaims. "Dad...we have to go." You say. "No Y/N I'm not letting them hurt you...stay here." He begs.
"We have to go..." You say. He nods, and you hold his hand as you walk out where they were standing. "Ah, good boy, come on then." The mother says. They take to to their ship, the son puts a gun to your head, causing your father to freak. "Alright you have me but, please let my daughter go." John begs. "We need her...she'll be useful." Jenny says. "So doctor, this was your plan, turning yourself human, you didn't just turn human you became an idiot." Son of mine says. "Then his daughter shall die." Mother of mine says. "No, the girl lives...doctor give us the watch." Son of mine says. He panics, and tosses the fon watch to the boy, who smirks. "Family of mine, today we shall have the lives of a tine-lord." He says. "Give him the girl." Father of mine says. He throws you into your fathers arms, where he stokes your hair. "Hey it's okay now." He says. As they open the fob watch nothing happens. "There's nothing inside, where is it!" Son of mine yells. The Doctor falls back on a console. "I...I don't know just please leave us alone." The doctor begs. "Then we shall kill you." Mother of mine says. But, then the doctor smirks, you knew your father was back. An alert or something goes off. "What is that?" Son of mine says. The doctor puts on his brainy specs. "Yeah about that, you shouldn't of let me press all those buttons." The doctor says. "If I were you I'd run!" You exclaim. Your father takes your hand as you run as fast as you can away from the exploding ship. Time skip: finally after months of living in that century, you and Martha and your father were finally back in the TARDIS. You go over to the doctor hugging him, he smiles at you. "Glad to have you back..." You say. "Me too Y/N, and Martha what I said back there I didn't mean it, I just want you to know." The doctor says. She smiles. "I know, so where to next I was thinking Hawaii or Italy." Martha says. "Actually Y/N should pick." Your father says looking at you. "Really?" He nods as you put the coordinates in all excited. "ALLONS-Y!" You exclaim. "OI that's my line." The doctor says. Martha just grinned at the both of you, she knew how much the doctor loved you, even though she had feelings for him, she knew he would always love rose. A/N sorry it's long, the pep rally gave me a headache anyway enjoy

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