Never the Right Time- Chapter 46

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Never the Right Time

Chapter 46


                It was Easter holiday and Draco was being forced to return home by his parents. He understood when Anna told him that she did not wish to go with him, but would rather stay at the school. Nothing good had ever happened to Anna at Malfoy manor.

                It was a full moon anyway, and Anna wasn’t feeling well, so she took her wolfsbane potion and pretty much stayed in the Ravenclaw dorm, except at meal time. She wasn’t that hungry but she had to eat for the baby. Anna was a lot bigger now and the baby was due in another month and a half.

                The holidays were over and Anna could hear students in the Ravenclaw common room as she lay there resting on her bed. If everyone was back, then that meant Draco would be returning. She quickly got up and headed out of the common and down to the Slytherin house. She didn’t go far before she saw Draco’s platinum head, walking down the hall toward Slytherin.

                “Draco,” she called out to him, running toward him, he turned and Anna saw his face. He looked as if he’d been in a fight, several scratch marks on his beautiful face, some deep, “What happened?” she touched his face softly.

                “Come with me,” he said roughly, taking her hand and leading her with him into the Slytherin common room. All the Slytherins’ stopped talking and looked at them in surprise.

                “What is she doing in here?” Pansy Parkinson spoke up with her annoying shrill voice.

                “Mind your own business, Parkinson,” Draco sneered and kept walking with Anna. He led her down a low hallway and then through a door to his dorm room. There were a couple of Slytherin boys in there, “Get out,” Draco demanded harshly, and they quickly left the room.

                Draco led Anna to his bed and sat her down, sitting beside her, “Harry, Ron, and Hermione were captured by snatchers and brought to Malfoy manor.”

                “No,” Anna groaned out, thinking that was the end of their fight against Voldemort.

                “Yes, but they were able to escape, along with Luna Lovegood and Mr. Olivander,” and Draco proceeded to tell Anna all that happened that Easter holiday; how Dobby had aided Harry and the others escape and how he had gotten hurt in the process.

                “At least Harry and the others got away,” Anna said, relieved.

                “Yeah, these cuts were worth it,” Draco said seriously. “They kept asking me if it was Harry they had captured because his face was disfigured and I didn’t want to tell them, so I brushed them off, saying maybe. Anna, the dark lord’s wraith has increased and he is so angry, especially with my family. Harry and the others broke into Aunt Bellatrix’s vault at Gringott’s and took something of value to him,” Draco started shaking, and Anna could tell he was very upset, tears coming to his eyes, “The dark lord made us come with him to Gringotts and then slaughtered them all when he found out that the thing was gone. The goblins, the guards, all of them were dead. It was horrible,” tears were rolling down his cheeks.

                Anna embraced Draco gently and lay back on his bed with him in her arms, trying to comfort him. Draco ran his hands along her body, finally resting them on her small round belly. Anna was still able to keep her pregnancy hidden under her robes, because the only thing big on her was her stomach, and it wasn’t that big. Draco gently pulled her robe back and pulled her sweater up, exposing her naked stomach, running his hands softly over her stomach. Then he started removing her clothing.

                “Stop it, Draco,” Anna laughed. But he grabbed her hands, holding them above her head as he leaned over Anna as she lay there on his bed.

                “I want to see your body,” he said hoarsely, “I’ve missed seeing your body.” Draco ran his hands down her arms, to her chest. He used his wand to lock the dorm room door and then lay it aside. He slowly finished removing Anna’s clothing, having her stand up by the bed as he sat on the edge of it.

                Anna tried to cover herself, self-conscience about her small baby bump, “But I am fat and ugly right now,” Anna fused.

                “No you’re not, you are the most beautiful girl in the world to me and I love seeing your body like this. This is my baby,” he kissed her bare stomach softly, and then began running his hands all over her body. Anna took his jacket off and began to help him undress, touching him everywhere as she went. It had been a long time since they had been together like this and Anna couldn’t seem to stop the slight trembling she felt, but she didn’t care that they were in his dorm, all of Slytherin house on the other side of the door, she wanted Draco and she knew he wanted and needed her too. The rest of his clothing was gone and Draco sat back on the edge of the bed, pulling Anna down facing him, sitting on his lap. Draco captured her lips in a deep, passion filled kiss, running his hands up into her long dark hair. Anna ran her hands along his body and they made love like that until they were both crying out, Draco kissing Anna to keep from yelling out her name as they exploded together in ecstasy, both of them at the same time.

                Afterwards they lay in each other’s arms.

                “There is something I need to ask you,” Draco said, brushing her hair back from where it was clinging to her face. He was looking deep into Anna’s hazel green eyes, his light blue ones full of love and tenderness. Draco reached over for his jacket that was lying on the bed where it had been thrown.

                But suddenly there was a pounding on the dormitory door, “Open up, Malfoy!” someone shouted from the other side, “you’ve been locked up in there long enough!”

                “Go away,” Draco yelled back.

                “Open the damn door or I’m going to get Slughorn,” the person threatened.

                “I had better go anyway,” Anna got up and started dressing quickly, Draco doing the same.

                When she was done she looked over at him, “What were you going to ask me?”

                “It was nothing,” Draco said, using his wand to unlock the door.

                A couple of Slytherins’ burst into the room, so Draco walked with Anna past them and out of the Slytherin house. It was getting late.

                “I’ll walk with you back to Ravenclaw,” Draco suggested.

                “No, that’s alright, I will be okay,” Anna started walking away; several Slytherin’s looking at her nastily as they made their through the Slytherin common rooms.

                “Wait,” Draco grabbed her arm, stopping her. Draco didn’t care who was watching, he took her face in his hands, kissing her deeply, “will you meet me tomorrow night in the Astronomy Tower?”

                “Sure,” Anna looked at him, a huge smile on her face, still in a daze from the amazing kiss.

                “Good,” he smiled, kissing her swiftly, “Goodnight, sweetheart.”

                “Goodnight,” Anna looked back at him as she headed back to her dorm. He was up to something, Anna thought. She had a feeling about what it was, but she dare not get her hopes up.

                Draco watched Anna as she disappeared up the stairs; he reached in his pocket, his hand going around the small, black velvet ring box in his pocket. He pulled it out, opening it. The beautiful diamond ring winked back at him brilliantly, its princess cut was gorgeous. He had paid for it himself from the money left to him from his grandfather. His mum and father did not even know about it. But he never seemed to have luck on the right time to ask her to marry him. He shut the little box, looking forward to seeing Anna’s reaction when she saw it, but that would have to what until tomorrow night.

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