Getting Over Him......or Not- Chapter 30

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Getting Over Him.....or Not

Chapter 30


                Draco didn’t know what possessed him to come to the stupid Valentine’s dance. He guessed he must have a thing for torture. When he had seen Anna walk in with Granger, wearing that sexy skin tight dress and heels, his heart skipped a beat and he wanted to go to her badly, but he knew better than to do that. Then he watched in agony as she talked and laughed with that damn auror, Rafe Montgomery.

                Some of his Slytherin friends had gathered around; Blaise, Goyle, Crabbe and then there was Pansy’s constant flirting, which he pretty much ignored. There were other girls too, all of them flirting and giving him those looks that screamed they wanted him, but he tried to block them out, his eyes following Anna.

                “So, what’s going on between you and Annabelle Blackburn?” Blaise asked, his eyes following Draco’s to where she was standing.

                “There’s nothing going on,” Draco sneered, watching Anna place her hand on Rafe’s chest and smile up at him, then she grabbed his hand trying to pull him on the dance floor.

                “Cool,” Blaise said, “then you won’t mind if I have a go at her. She looks damn sexy in that dress tonight. I knew she was pretty, but tonight, she is gorgeous.”

                Draco growled, “You leave her the hell alone, Blaise.”

                “But you just said….”

                Draco cut him off, “I mean it. I don’t care what I said, you don’t go anywhere near her,” Draco snarled dangerously.

                “Okay, chill out,” Blaise tried to smooth it over, “Here, drink this. You need to loosen up,” and Blaise handed him a bottle of fire whiskey out of his inside jacket pocket. Draco took a long, deep swallow, letting the burn of the liquid go down his throat and ease his tension.

                Then Professor Flitwick announced that Anna and Rafe would be performing. Draco had no idea she would be singing tonight. Draco watched in awe as Anna sang, her voice carrying throughout the hall. His heart began to beat harder as he listened to her beautiful, soul filled voice, like an angel's only with more seduction in it. She was like one of those sirens from mythology, calling out to all and pulling them in, there was no way to fight it. It was hard to believe that the seductive siren on the stage was the same sweet Anna he’d come to love. Well, he knew she had a seductive wild side to her, but so far he had been the only one to see it when they were alone together. Now, everyone was getting a glimpse of it, and suddenly he was very jealous and angry, having every guy at Hogwarts eyes on his Anna. She really had a talent for singing and while he was proud of her, he didn’t like it because she was no longer his. Draco was glad when they finally finished, breathing a lot easier, until he saw Anna take Rafe’s hand and pull him onto the dance floor. He watched feeling sick as Anna put her arms around him and the auror did the same, pulling Anna in closer for the slow dance. Draco wanted to rip them apart and hurt someone; instead he caught the eye of the cute little blond hufflepuff who’d been eyeing him all night, crooking his finger for her to come to him. He pulled her with him out on the dance floor and into his arms, causing her to giggle. Which annoyed Draco, because Anna never giggled, it was a silly girlish thing. He couldn’t even be with someone else without comparing them to Anna.

                Anna felt good being held in Rafe’s arms as they danced slowly to the song being played, but it just wasn’t the same overwhelming feeling of rightness she always felt with Draco. She had hoped it would be that Rafe could somehow break the hold that Draco had on her, but so far it wasn’t working. It wasn’t that she didn’t like Rafe, she did. In fact she liked him a lot and if it weren’t for Malfoy’s influence over her heart she could imagine herself falling deeply in love with Rafe.  But even though it was Draco who’d dumped her from the start, she still felt guilty being with Rafe. It was crazy.

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