Fighting and More Pain- Chapter 29

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Fighting and More Pain

Chapter 29


                Anna went into her advanced Potions class with Professor Slugghorn. She also shared it with Hermoine, Ron and Harry. Draco was also in the class. She quickly grabbed a seat at the table with Hermoine. Today they were all required to work in pairs and Professor Slugghorn had taken the liberty of picking them himself. He began to call out the names of each pair. He went down the list until he came to her name, “Miss Blackburn and Mr. Malfoy,” he said and was about to continue, but Anna interrupted him.

                “Sir, if I may, could I please request a different partner,” she pleaded. She kind of wished she hadn’t blurted it out so desperately, because now everyone was looking at her strangely as if trying to figure out why she was so against it.

                “Whatever for Miss Blackburn?” he asked, his eyes now on her, making her very uncomfortable.

                “No reason in particular, sir. I just prefer a different partner,” she tried to act calm.

                “Well, if that’s all it is, then the answer is no. I’m sorry, but I worked on this list all last night and I’m not about to change it up,” he said finally and resumed calling out names. Anna could feel Draco’s eyes on her and she looked up, expecting to see him looking at her coldly. Instead he looked tired, as if he’d not slept well, dark circles under his eyes. Anna picked up her things and walked over to the table they would share. She sat down beside him on the tall stool, slamming her stuff on the table and putting as much distance between them as possible. Professor Slugghorn gave the class their potions assignment and everyone started to work. Draco opened the book to the potion and began gathering up what they needed. When he returned he put everything on the table near Anna and slide his stool closer to her.

                “Anna,” he whispered, trying not to be heard by any of the others, “I need to talk to you.” Anna noticed his hand was trembling slightly.

                “There is nothing for us to talk about,” she said looking down at the potions text and starting to work on prepping the ingredients.

                “Yes, there is,” he pleaded softly. “Look at me,” he whispered, and Anna brought her eyes up to his. She was shocked at the pain and desperation she saw there. “I hurt you last night, and I’m sorry. I don’t know what came over me, but I shouldn’t have treated you that way or said what I did.”

                Anna looked at him intensely. She knew he was telling her the truth, but that didn’t take away the pain of all the things he’d put her through lately. It didn’t erase the cheap way he had made her feel when he had basically called her his used up toy, no better than one of his old, slutty girlfriends.

                “I just want to say I’m sorry,” he whispered earnestly, looking over at her, “Can you please forgive me?”

                Anna remained silent for a moment, looking down into the cauldron she’d just added some lizard tongues to. She wanted so much to believe him and accept his apology, but she just couldn’t do it. Anna had to break ties with Draco if she wanted to save her heart from further pain.

                “No, Draco,” she whispered under her breath, “I can’t. Like you said from the beginning, we are over, so it doesn’t matter. You get on with your life and I’ll go on with mine.” He didn’t know the pain she felt saying those words.

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