Empty and Numb- Chapter 20

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Empty and Numb

Chapter 20

                Anna made her way up the stairs to the Ravenclaw hallway; her thoughts consumed with Draco and what they had just shared. She guessed she should feel bad about it, and maybe just a little shame, but she wouldn’t take it back for anything and she felt like she was floating on a cloud.

                Annabelle turned the corner almost to the Ravenclaw dorm, when a voice stopped her, making her turn in surprise.

                “Miss, do you realize that it is well after curfew?” the voice with a strange accent said. Anna looked at him; he was young, good looking and he didn’t have a British accent. His voice was very sultry and it was obvious he was a yank. He was young enough that she could almost mistake him for a student if she hadn’t noticed he wore a Ministry of Magic badge identifying him as an auror. The aurors were there to patrol Hogwarts and as extra protection against the dark lord and his death eaters.

                “Yes, I do,” Anna admitted, “and I am terribly sorry. It will not happen again,” Anna lied, feeling very uncomfortable as his deep green eyes never left hers.

                “I thought I heard someone else,” he said, looking around and then looking back at her.

                “No, only me,” she said looking away; she’d never been a good liar. “Well, goodnight,” Anna said quickly, going into her common room quickly to get away from that attractive auror and his intense gaze. She had never seen him around Hogwarts before, but then again she had never really paid attention.

                Anna and Draco meet at the Quidditch pitch over the next few weeks and Draco worked with her on her flying, that and other things, because they couldn’t keep their hands off each other. It was almost Christmas.

                “You are doing great on your flying,” Draco murmured against her hair as they lay in each other’s arms up in the Astronomy tower. This was their usual place to go after flying since it was cold and snowy outside, “It will not be long and you’ll be flying better than me.”

                “I don’t think so,” Anna laughed nuzzling his neck, “besides, I much prefer riding with you.”

                “I know,” Draco laughed, “I am absolutely irresistible.”

                “You are for me,” Anna said seriously, leaning up and kissing him thoroughly.

                They both got up off the sofa after midnight because they didn’t want to get in too much trouble if they were caught. As they made it to the stairway where they would split up, Draco gave her a deep mind blowing kissed and whispered goodnight. They both split up in opposite directions, Draco headed down toward the dungeons and Slytherin, and Anna headed up to the upper floors and Ravenclaw.

                As Anna headed up the stairs it was really dark that night and she knew it was terribly late, so she tried to be stealthy and didn’t light her wand. But then suddenly she hit something hard yet very soft at the same time, and it nearly caused her to stumble back down the stairs if she hadn’t grabbed the railing.

                “What in the world?” said that same masculine voice that was so different from any she knew at Hogwarts. And then he lit his wand shining her right in the face. It was the same handsome auror she’d run into the other night a few weeks back.

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