Chapter 9: What More Can I Do? I Am Still Painting Flowers For You

Start from the beginning

That's it. I'm forcing her to do the same on me.

“Hurry! Harry and Niall are in the van waiting!”

Liam walked in, going directly by my sister’s side. “Let me get that—What the hell is in this?” He’d already grabbed hold of it.

“Oh, just a few essentials. Nothing much.” She shrugged, skipping out the door followed by the rest of us.

We sat in a white vintage-looking van with red and blue stripes. I could tell it belonged to Louis. The stripes were a give-away, plus, he was the one driving.

Kenz called shotgun, and Katia, Liam and I were in the second row while Harry and Niall stayed quietly seated on the third.

“Falling asleep already are we?” I could hear Liam beside me, looking over at Katia who was now rubbing her eyes.

“Sort of…” She gave him a weak smile.

“C’mon.” He swung his arm protectively around her as she dozed off, leaning on his shoulder.

“I’d better give you two some space.” I joked, moving a row back, now sitting next to Niall, who had tensed. His bright blue eyes seemed to have been dared not to look at me. His fingers played nervously with the hem of his red sports polo. I peered over to look at Harry who had snoring softly. His curls drooped over his eyes as he rested his head on the glass window.

Niall had glanced over at me, shocked to find me staring back. He gave me a faint smile, before looking the other way.

This was going to be a long trip…

(Katia’s POV)

“Hey love, wake up.” His voice seeped into my consciousness. “We’re here.”

I let out a disapproving sound before I felt myself being lifted up bridal style.

I don’t know why I didn’t move. I stayed still, listening to his soft heartbeat. I could feel every step he took as he climbed a staircase.

I had no idea where we were, but I was too sleepy to check.

In a couple of minutes, I was placed down on soft sheets. I felt my self turn and—


I landed flat on the ground after falling off the edge.

I looked up to see Liam in nothing but his trousers.

“I leave you for barely a second, and you mange to hurt yourself? Seriously Katia? I wasn’t even finished changing my shirt.” He rolled his eyes jokingly as I got up.

We were in a cream-colored room with wooden floors. There was a wooden door that probably led out to the rest of the place. I looked to my right, where there was a glassed door, separating the room from the balcony.

“Sorry—I didn’t think I was right at the edge.” I rubbed my eyes.

“Do you have any idea how heavy you weigh? I couldn’t keep you up long enough to reach the middle of the bed okay.”

I stared at him.

“Alright, fine, maybe you don’t weigh that much.” He muttered, before picking up a white T-shirt from his bag that had been dumped on the floor.

“What happened to Kat?”

“She went out already.” Liam said as soon as he got his shirt over his head.

“Right, well…um…” I suddenly felt awkward, standing in a room with him while he probably would fit about two people dressed.  I started backing away for the door. “I’d better get out of your room—”

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