Escapade From Duties [Nyx Lemon]

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Being entitled queen was baffling to imagine, the major differences affecting her schedule. No more outdoor strolls with her brother, Prince Noctis Lucis Caelum. Training was out of question, most believers recalling that such violent sessions were absurd for a woman to perfect. The Kingsglaive meanwhile were occupied battling Niflheim reinforcements in Grahlea or another foreign city to the isolated heir. Never took a single footstep beyond the boundaries of Insomnia. For the love of Six, even a single photo of the Duscae region could possibly engulf f-n's curiosity at this certain rate.

"Pull over for a second. I need to take a quick breather."

The driver gave a curt nod, maneuvering his hands across the wheel steering the luxurious car across the barren road. She shoved the door open, introducing herself back to the frigid front of the wind before scurrying to the nearby pub located on the street side. Alcohol overwhelmed the atmosphere once the double set of doors slammed open, the princess reluctantly entering into the storefront. Few customers were served during the late hours, a grimace crossing her face at the reeking scent emanating from the corner. An individual man hung his head low, forehead grazing the wooden surface of the table. Numerous amount of empty shot containers littered the furniture top.

"Ignore him. He's been going at it since he walked passed those doors like a drunken master." A male voice reached her ears, casting her attentive perception towards the much more sober man, a black coat slung over his shoulder. The carefree man wore a t-shirt, white washed out designs embellishing the sleek material.

"What's a random woman like you hanging around these parts?" He inquired with a mild tilt of his head causing the twin braids in his dark chestnut hair to shift.

"Just relaxing." f-n answered, slumping back onto the stool adjacent to him.

He threw back a quick shot of alcohol, drinking the intoxicating liquid. "That's an understatement. A breathtaking woman like you? I'd say my day keeps getting better and better."

Her head shook in disbelief, raising her forefinger silently towards the bartender in a silent gesture for a glass. "Perhaps there's more to me than I thought through the eyes of a man."

"Symbol of perfection and grace aren't you, Your Majesty?" A smirk crossed his lips, his tongue taking a brief sweep over his lower lip. How did he... Oh, the make-up and dress was at fault.

You murmured, running your fingers through your combed hair, "I knew I should have exchanged my attire for something more reasonable to wear on a rare occasion like this."

"You're not quite smitten with those fancy balls and all." The man commented with a smirk playing at his lips.

You rolled your eyes, "Who would be? Only the most delusional people who have nothing on their agenda could fancy extravagant parties."

"Glad the princess of Lucis opposes all those type of things. Well, I should take my leave before any guardsmen come to swoop you up."

"Hey! At least you could politely tell me of your name." You hollered towards the fleeing man, stopping him at the swinging doorways.

"Nyx Ulric." He answered over his shoulder with a sly smile, trudging off into the frigid night. The doors slammed closed after his brief exit sending a gush of wind inside.

The bartender continued to scrub the remaining residue off the smooth countertop, dodging passed the small shot glass presented for you.

"So," He began, eyes magnetized onto the countertop as if it was the most intriguing item in the bar. Besides the princess of Lucis sitting before him. "Not familiar with Nyx eh?"

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