Chapter 81

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They immediately wheeled Kezia to ward 22 with Damiun and the others right behind her.

For the past few hours Damiun couldn't help but feel pity for her. The pain alone showed on her face. Every ten minutes she'd get a contraction making her let out incoherent words. And now she was doing it again.


She shouted when another contraction had hit her. She began to sob after.

"He's not coming. I knew he'd fuck it up I just knew"

Damiun came close to comfort her but all she did was snap at him.

"Don't fucking touch me!"

She warned.

How could he forget. Tonya acted the same way towards him when she was having Skai.

"It'll be all over before you know it"

She cried harder.

Dr Chen came into the room and checked to see how dilated she was.

"Your 5cm dialated"

He said as he pulled his hand out from her vagina.

"It's taking forever! This is the last kid I'm having!"

Damiun's eyes grew wide.


Dr Chen just patted his shoulder.

"Don't worry they always say that she'll be back here"

And with that he left.

"When's mojo mojo coming?"

Damiun laughed.

"Soon Skai soon "

"Oh my god I forgot to call my parents!"

She quickly dialed her mother's number and pressed call.

"He-hey mom oww!......I'm in labour mom.....Yeah that hospital......Ward 22.....Yeah bye owww"

She layed her head back and closed her eyes.



"What ever I say just know don't take it to heart ok?"


"And can you bring me some ice ?"


"And a popsicle.....The purple one"

He laughed .

"Sure babe"

He kissed her and left the room with Skai.

She looked at her phone last time but she knew there won't any miss calls. In the meantime she made herself busy by calling Amanda and then Kia.

She called Liam again but like the last time no answer.

It was the moment that sleep decided to take over that her phone started ringing. She looked at the screen and anger filled her along with contractions.

"Kezia why are you-"

"I Fucking called you about 50 times where the fuck are you I'm in fucking labour!"


"Why haven't you been answering?! And you better get your fucking ass down here now and don't bring that slut!"

"Kez......My dad died"

That took her by surprise.


His voice alone sounded like he'd break down any moment.

"Are you in the same hospital I'm in?"

"No but I'll be there as soon as possible and I'll tell my mom"

"Kay bye"

She hung up.

After the first tear fell many came after that and she didn't care how she looked. It was bad already that she was in pain.

The door opened and Damiun Came back with her things along with her mother.

"What's wrong babe?"

He asked as concern took over.

She sniffed before answering.

"He wasn't answering because his father died"


Who saw that coming?
Liam's dad died what a shocker.

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