Chapter 39

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Kezia entered the house and she was met with Maria busy preparing dinner.
"Liam has gone out again"

"Yeah I've noticed"

Maria sighed as she continued chopping up the vegetables.
"He's just not the same anymore"

Kezia didn't say anything.She just went up to her room and had a nice bubble bath
After her bath she went back down stairs and joined maria in the kitchen.

"Do you need any help?"
Kezia asked as she was clearly bored.

"Oh yes,will you finish cut this up while I start on the chicken"

Kezia nodded and went over to the counter.

"Soo how was your day did you do anything interesting?"

Kezia blushed as she remembered those big strong muscles. She wondered why just the thought of men made her both shiver and flutter at the same time.

"Actually yes I got my hair done"

Maria who didn't even pay attention looked at her hair.

"Ahh yes I didn't even notice it"

"And I met this guy"

Maria stopped what she was doing and looked at her.

"A guy huh"

Kezia  blushed.

"Yeah his name is Damiun"

"And how did you two meet?"

Kezia laughed when she remembered that embarrassing moment.

"He accidentally spilled smoothie on me and he offered to buy me a new top"

"Quite the gentleman I see"

"Yeah and he's quite the looker"

Maria shook her head.

"You sure its not the hormones talking"

"Nahh, one look at him would make any woman turn on"

"Yup it's the hormones"

They both laughed and continued their work.
It was silent for a few until Maria spoke.

"Something about Liam does not seem right"

Kezia  stayed quiet for the topic of him just made her feel down.

"Are you done with those?"

Kezia nodded and passed the vegetables for her.

"Well I think that's it for now. You can go rest "

Kezia went to the living room and turned the TV on.

She settled on One born every minute. Cringing every moment when she saw how much pain the women were in.

"Oh why can't I just skip that moment "

She spoke to no one in particular.

She cooed when she saw the cute babies .Slowly her hand made her way to her small stomach and she lightly caressed it.

"Can't wait to sew you pumpkin"

Now that she had thought about her baby she wondered what she wanted to have. She wished for a boy but on the other hand she wanted a girl.

"If only I could have twins"

She smiled at that thought.
Her moments were interrupted when her phone vibrated signalling that someone had texted.

Damiun😎- thought I'd check up on you

She smiled when she realized it was Damiun. He had actually texted her. It made her blush pretty bad too.

Kezia- aww........I'm fine though

She quickly sent her text and within no time he replied.

Damiun- Is that blushment I sense there

Kezia blushed more and started to type . Damiun was having an effect on her .

Kezia- don't feel too special mister

Damiun-😔😔Damn you sure know how to break a man's ego

Kezia laughed at this.

Kezia- oops what can dear old media do to make D better

Damiun-😎well going out with me Saturday will make me very happy

Kezia-sure what time and place?

Damiun- the park at 3

Kezia-ok sounds fun!

Daniun-hey something came up text you later k?

Kezia- OK later

Their conversation ended and Kezia took that time to nap.
The house was peaceful without Liam and she was glad he wasn't home. It was actually better when he wasn't there. At least when he didn't change. She stretched her body on the long couch and soon she was falling asleep.

A few hours later she awoke to the sound of laughter coming from outside. She got up and yawned extending her arms. She walked to the window and looked through the curtains.Her eyes went wide when she saw it.

Liam was bringing the woman over.


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