31 | Keeping Promises

Start from the beginning

Lavender raised an eyebrow at me before the elevator doors opened to reveal the lobby of the tower I had been staying in for the past month, the whitewashed walls just as bright as ever. "I'd go somewhere . . . public," Lavender suggested as she pushed me out of the elevator and toward the lobby doors. "Gotta get you more social since you've been locked up in your suite for so long." She gave me a reassuring smile before motioning to the city around the tower base. "Well, there ya' go. Have fun!"

And with a simple wave of goodbye, I was alone.

The sound of loud voices filled the air as humans and monsters walked through the city freely and cheerfully, their chatter causing the headache in my skull to get worse as the noise drilled into my mind. I stumbled away from the noise and disappeared into a small patch of woods that separated the city from a small neighborhood, the noise not as bad there but still painful.

There goes for being social.

I looked up at the cavern ceiling and mentally prepared myself as my gaze locked onto a small ledge that sat underneath one of the holes in the ceiling. My left eye glowed brighter with magic as I concentrated on that spot and reached out my conscience to the ledge, imagining my figure appearing there in a few seconds as I quickly built up my magic before shoving it out of my mind and out towards the ledge.

And just like that, I stood hunched over on the ledge above the entire Persistence base, wheezing as I tried to regain my strength. I hadn't used magic in awhile, and unfortunately these were the consequences. "Fuck," I breathed out, my legs collapsing beneath me where I fell onto soft moss.

I liked soft moss. I think Y/N would like soft moss too. We should get soft moss to go with our bed-sheet bed and neon lights.

I chuckled at the thought but still felt an aching in my chest, but I quickly pushed it aside as I stumbled to my feet and looked up at the large hole that leaked in sunlight above me and into the cavern. How am I supposed to get up there? I thought, immediately discarding teleportation. Flashbacks of running away from the mutant dogs with Y/N flashed in my head, and I instantly knew what to do.

I raised my hand and felt my magic trickle into my phalanges, bones starting to fizzle into existence around me before shooting forward to create a makeshift staircase. My magic was shaky and weak, so I quickly ran up the bone staircase and out of the cavern, almost fainting from the magic strain when I stepped back onto solid ground and doubled over. I stayed on my knees, trying to push down the intense pain in my head, for about two minutes before slowly standing up and looking around.

And holy shit, the view around me took my breath away for the third time that day.

The sun cast rays of sunlight through the huge trees that were filled with colorful birds and wildlife, casting shadows and silhouettes across the mossy forest floor that covered the entire mountain the Persistence base was settled under. Puffy clouds drifted lazily across the blue sky, forming shapes and objects that cloud watchers would gawk at. Vibrant green vines and drooping leaves hung from the huge trees, the trunks almost as big as a circular dining room table.

The air felt crisp and fresh as a soft breeze weaved throughout the forest and into the holes that leaked into the cavern, making the chains on the bracelet thingies I had found clink against each other from my wrists.

I looked down at them and stared at the chains, wondering what kind of decoration they were there for. The bracelets looked cool, don't get me wrong, but the two leather bands on each one were faded and worn, as if whoever had worn them before me had done so for a very long time. I twisted my right wrist to inspect the bracelet around it before doing the same to my other wrist. I'd have to ask Lavender who's these were later, and if they were still alive or dead. But for now, they were mine.

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