|Chapter Eighteen|

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Teaser Trailer for The Secrets, The Lies (third instalment of this series) will be linked above. I apologise for the watermark, I can't use movie maker on my laptop so had to compromise.

Previously in The Life She Lies: After deciding that she in fact does want to keep the baby, Demi opens up to Wilmer about her fears of the trial and having to juggle two children at once.

My hair was wrapped in a tight pony tail up high on my head. My make-up was kept minimal, a light BB cream, mascara, and some nude lipgloss coating my lips. I was glad that I didn't have to fill in my eyebrows as naturally they were quite dark and bold.

I wiped my sweaty hands on the grey pants that matched the top and blazer that I wore. Nervous was an understatement to what I was feeling right now, terrified suited it a lot better.
"All you have to do is tell the truth, tell them what he did to you. They have all the other evidence that they need to put him away, your testimony will give him the longer sentence though"

I nodded, taking a deep breath as I intertwined my hand with Wilmers, "I have medical records as well, will that help?"

"Yeah, it'll help a lot" My lawyer told me. I didn't need a lawyer really, but I wanted him there just in case anything went wrong. The court room was filling with people. A pang of guilt ran through me as I saw Nick's family seated at the back row, his three brothers and older sister sat next to his Mother and Father. Kehlani didn't have anyone here, not even Shayla.

"All rise" The judge called, banging his gavel against the hard surface. "Let the trial begin, will Miss Demetria Lovato please make her way up to the stand"

I took a deep breath as anxiety riddled my body. Being careful while climbing up the small wooden steps in my black pumps, I sat on the seat that was there for me.

"Miss Lovato, you were married to Nick for five years, correct?"


"In those five years, how would you describe your relationship with him?"

"I loved him..." I trailed off, "I don't think he loved me though. He would beat me, he morphed me into his perfect little wife and would hit me if I did even the smallest thing wrong. It eventually got to the point where he almost broke my neck" I explained, trying to keep myself calm and collected, trying not to get too emotional.

"At what point did you decide to leave Mr. Jonas?" The Judge asked,

"I left at the beginning of last year when I found out that I was pregnant. Nick tried to force me to get an abortion, and I knew that he would beat it out of me if I didn't. I had no choice but to leave"

"Why did you stick around for so long?"

I sighed, "Because at the time I genuinely believed that he did it because he loved me, and because I deserved it"

"Do you have any evidence of the domestic violence?"

I nodded, "I've attached photographs and medical records" I told him, seeing Nick's eyes widen from where he sat, hand cuffed to the table.

"Thank you Miss Lovato. We will meet back in 30 minutes to announce the sentencing of Nicholas Jonas" The judge announced, hitting his gavel against the hard wood.

Wilmer came up to me, wrapping his arms around me as I sunk into his chest. "You did good baby" Wilmer whispered into my ear, leaving a soft kiss on my forehead.

"You're fucking disgusting! You stole my wife from me you fucking bastard!" Nick yelled, as the security guard escorted him out of the room, "I'll fucking kill you, get your hands off of her!" Nick continued, I faced away from my ex-husband as Wilmer held me against him. I was glad that Wilmer didn't respond, that wouldn't look good for us.

Leading out of the room, Wilmer and I waited on the benches outside as his sister Marilyn carried Eddie over to us. "Baby!" I squealed, taking my son from my future sister-in-laws arms, "Thank you" I said to the woman.

She smiled, "No problem, we love looking after him"

"Mam" Eddie said, kissing me on the cheek before cuddling into my neck.

"Hey buddy" I coo'd at my little man. "Did you have fun?" I asked before Eddie nodded, bringing his head up from my shoulder and smiling at me.

Eddie let out a loud shreak before bursting into tears. Looking behind me, I saw Nick heading back into the court room, looking right at Eddie.
"Hey, it's okay" I muttered, softly bouncing the child on my hip and rubbing his back as I attempted to get him to calm down.

Wilmer placed a pacifier in his mouth which he soon stopped trying to fight.
I found it interesting how he started crying at the sight of Nick, almost as if he was scared of him or knew that he wasn't a good person.

I hope he gets the sentence he deserves.

I think after this book I'm going to take a little bit of a break before I publish the third one. I'll still be updating shape of you, sugar, etc. but I'll wait a bit before publishing The Secrets, The Lies.
I'll be making a proper trailer soon, the one attached is just a teaser idk.

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