|Chapter Eleven|

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Previously in The Life She Lies: Demi and Wilmer's relationship problems continue, they decide to talk about their issues when Demi's water breaks.

"What do you mean the baby is coming, he's not due for seven more weeks?" Wilmer said in a panic

I shook my head, "I don't know, he must be early" I told him, an intense pain shooting through my stomach as I let out a sharp breath. "Let's put the crib together"

Wilmer looked at me as if I was crazy, "You're in labour seven week early! We aren't putting a crib up, we're going to the hospital to make sure the baby is okay!"

"But he has no where to sleep when he comes home" I thought,

"I'll get my sisters to set it up while we're at the hospital"

"They won't even admit me yet, will they?"

"You're seven weeks early!" Wilmer repeated, "This isn't good, of course they will admit you, they need to make sure the baby is okay!"

I nodded, "You're right" I agreed, "I'll grab the baby seat and install it in the car"

Wilmer sighed in defeat as I ran upstairs to grab the baby seat. The car seat had to be installed before we left the hospital, it's not like I was having the baby right this moment, he could hang in there 10 more minutes.

"Okay, I'm ready" I told Wilmer, my hospital bag in one hand and my a U-shape pillow in the other,

He looked at me, a smirk on his face as a suppressed a smile, "I love you"

"I love you too" I planted a soft kiss against his cheek, "Let's go"


I was admitted into the maternity ward right away and they were calling Dr. Montgomery over from her private practice. Not that the doctors here couldn't deliver the baby, but Addison had been with me through a majority of the pregnancy and knew everything about me and the baby.

"Fuck" I let out through my teeth as another contraction hit me. "This hurts so much" I whined as Wilmer held my hand, stroking his thumb over the surface.

The contraction passed and I waited for the next one. The few minutes in between the contractions were a blessing.

"Hey!" Dr. Montgomery said, rushing into my room and placing her bag on the floor next to my hospital bed, "Sorry I took so long, this was a bit unexpected"

I smiled softly, "You're telling me!" My smile was replaced with a frown as the pain hit me again,

"How far apart are her contractions?" Addison asked the nurse standing in the corner of the room,

"6 minutes ma'am"

"I'm going to do a quick ultrasound" She told me, straight away squeezing the blue gel onto my abdominal area before running the stick over it, "Heartbeat... good" She muttered, thinking out loud. "He's in breach position, I'm going to have to try and manually rotate him right now"

Concern took over my body, "Will it hurt?"

"A bit, you'll feel some pressure-"

"The baby, I mean"

"No, he will be fine"

I nodded as the doctor placed her hands, one at the top and one at the bottom, around my bump. I winced as she placed pressure against my abdomen. The machine that was monitoring my baby began beeping, "He's in v-fib, we need to get him out!" Addison said in a slight panic, the nurse rushed to her side, "Is there an OR free?" She asked,

The nurse nodded, "OR 4 is cleared right now"

She shook her head, "We don't have time to get you up there" Addison told me, "Sit up, I'm going to give you an epidural then we're going to deliver your baby boy right here" I followed her instructions and sat forward as a sharp feeling went through the bottom of my back, "How are you feeling?"

"Numb?" I responded questioningly,

Addison chuckled, "Great, we're going smooth then" She told me, "Nurse, grab me a 10-blade"

Wilmer held my hand, looking over at my stomach as the doctors poked around. It was uncomfortable feeling them poke around, of course I couldn't feel any pain, but there was pressure.

"Is he okay?" I asked, seeing Addison pull out a small baby, his skin looking discoloured but that could have just been from the blood. "What's going on?" Panic took over my voice as they placed my baby on a small portable table.

My worries dissapeared when a loud, strong cry filled the room, "He's okay" Wilmer reassured me with a breath of relief in his voice as he leant over, planting a kiss on my forehead.


My finger tingled as he had his hand wrapped tightly around it. I held him against my chest as he looked around the room with his big brown eyes, a large blue hospital pacifier hanging from his mouth, bobbing slightly as he sucked on it.

"He's so beautiful" I gushed, looking down at my baby boy.

"Our baby" Wilmer smiled, adjusting the blue beanie covering our baby's head, "God, he's a miracle"

"Our miracle"

Weighing 1867 grams, 40.8cm long, at 32 weeks and 3 days on July 18, Eddie Mason Valderrama was born.

High key am a week late on my period, yeah babies are cute but I don't be needing one at this age so can god come along and bless me with my period? Please and thank you.

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