|Chapter Thirteen|

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Previously in The Life She Lies: The family meet Eddie, then Demi goes home and her and Wilmer do the dirty. Tara still did not have her period.

"Eddie has Respiratory Distress Syndrome" Dr. Montgomery told me,
"Last night he was having a lot of trouble breathing, which is when we came up with the diagnosis"

"Is he going to be okay?" I asked, hugging Wilmer's arm as he stood next to me,

Addison nodded, "He will be on breathing support and medication, once he recovers he should be able to come home. This is common for babies born before 34 weeks, it's quite easily treated"

"Thank God"

Six Months Later

I wiped down Eddie's high chair as Wilmer sat with him in his nursery, I could hear the six month old baby babbling as his Dad tried to have a conversation with him.
Sighing, I quickly cleaned the kitchen to join my little family.

"What's going on?" I asked, walking into the room to see Wilmer laying on the floor, Eddie sitting up next to him while shaking around one of his favourite toys. I couldn't help but smile every time I looked at my son, his big brown eyes and thick head of hair reminded me of me when I was a baby.

"Eddie is telling me about his day" Wilmer chuckled before the baby began to babble again before erupting in laughter,

"Dad" I heard faintly,

I chuckled awkwardly before looking to Wilmer, "What?"

"I didn't say anything"

"Oh, okay" I said, confusion coating my voice.

"Dad" Both Wilmer and I whipped our heads towards Eddie, "Dad" He spoke, placing the toy in his mouth as he chewed on it softly.

"Oh my god!" I squealed as I hugged Wilmer, "He spoke!"

"He said Dad!" Wilmer smiled, "That's me, I'm Dad!"

The joy was short lived when loud cries interrupted us.

"I guess I was too loud" I sighed, picking baby Eddie up and shoving a green pacifier into his mouth as he snuggled into my chest, his sobbing fading as I bounced him softly, "You're okay bubba" I whispered, planting a kiss on the baby's forehead before placing him inside his crib.

"Let's go" I whispered to Wilmer, he pulled his body from the floor as we both quietly left the room.

"Are you okay?" Wilmer asked me, grabbing my wrist as I turned around to face him,

I nodded my head, slightly confused at why he was asking, "I don't see why I wouldn't be"

"You don't have to lie to me"

"Wilmer, I'm not lying to you. Honest to God, nothing is wrong" I told him,

"Why are you acting so strange then?"

"Strange?" I questioned,

Wilmer smiled softly, "Happy, you've been really happy"

I scoffed sarcastically, "Is me being happy really that strange?"

"You're more happy than usual"

"Maybe I'm just excited"

"What for?" He asked,

"For what's to come" I winked, smirking as Wilmer followed me into our bedroom.


Wilmer was yet to find out what I had planned for only a few days from now. Stephanie was going to look after Eddie as I took Wilmer on a date. I had been speaking to a Lawyer in New York who specialises in domestic violence cases, and this isn't the first time that he had come across someone in a situation like my own.

He would send the divorce papers to Nick, and he would be unable to track my location in Napa as they would be coming from New York, and if he did decide to follow them, then they would be throwing him off track.

I had also gotten a restraining order against Nick. As Wilmer was on Eddie's birth certificate, Nick wouldn't have to pay any child support. I wouldn't want him to anyway.

Exciting things were to come, I just hoped it would all work out okay.

Okay so I still haven't gotten my period but I took two pregnancy tests and they both came back negative. Now I have to worry about why I haven't gotten my period 🙃

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