|Chapter Fourteen|

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Previously in The Life She Lies: After Eddie spoke his first words and Demi and Wilmer bonded with their son, Demi decides that she will in fact be divorcing Nick, but she won't be telling Wilmer of her plan just yet.

A loud knock at the front door awoke me from my light sleep. Groggily, I made my way down stairs. I didn't bother to worry about the fact that I was in my old, stained pyjama top and shorts, or the fact that my hair was flying out into all sorts of different directions.

"I'm sorry-" The dark skinned woman spoke as I opened the door, I didn't even hesitate to slam the door right in her face. How the fuck did Kehlani get my address, and what the fuck was she doing at my home. "Demi, open up!" She sighed, frustration coating her voice as the banged against the window with her key.

"You're going to wake up the baby, shut up you moron!" I hissed, opening up the door to make her stop. I almost missed seeing the child that was in her arms. "You had his baby" I sighed. I had to admit, the baby was very cute.

"I was at the clinic but I just couldn't go through with the abortion, Nick tried to beat me to get the baby to miscarry and I told him that it worked" She told me, bouncing the baby, who was just a few months younger than Eddie.

I rolled my eyes, "Come in" I sighed as Eddie began to cry from upstairs,

"I got him!" Wilmer yelled from the second floor of the house,

Kehlani smirked, "You did well"

"Shut the fuck up" I scowled, the woman's smirk fading from her face as the words left my mouth, "How did you get my address, and what are you doing here?"

"When I phoned you telling you that I was pregnant, I tracked your address"

"You're a psycho!" I crossed my arms across my chest,

Kehlani sighed, "I needed to get away from him, I needed to be with someone who understood what I was going through!"

"I don't want to be around you, you slept with my ex-husband, you had the baby of my ex-husband-"

She cut me off, "Ex?"

"Yes, I sent him the divorce papers a few weeks ago" 

"What makes you think he's going to sign them?" Kehlani scoffed with a small chuckle in her voice,

I frowned, "The fact that they're under my bed, signed"

"Oh" She let out, "Lucky for you I guess"

"So..." I trailed off awkwardly, "What's your daughters name?" I asked, looking at the pink pieces of clothing covering her baby,

"Nia" Kehlani responded, "And you?"

I looked to Wilmer, who was walking down the stairs with Eddie in his arms, "Eddie"

"Oh, Kehlani, hi..." Wilmer trailed off, confusion covering his face and voice as he made his way over to me, passing Eddie to me,

I sighed in frustration, "She just showed up here"

"How did she-"

I cut him off, "Tracked me, apparently" We needed to talk about this, "I'll take Eddie and Nia into the toy room, we need to have a conversation"

"Why are you here?" I asked,

"I told you why I'm here"

I groaned, "Go to fucking single mothers support meetings or something then, we aren't friends anymore!"

"Demi plea-"

"No!" I snapped,

"Don't you want Eddie to know his sister?"

I narrowed my eyes, "Let me get one thing clear Kehlani, your daughter is not my sons sister and never will be! We don't want anything to do with you, Nick, or Nia so you can take your child, take your petty little sob story, and get your sorry ass a hotel before I call the cops!"

"Okay" She muttered, "I'll go get Nia"

I followed the woman into the toy room, panic rose in my body as there was only one baby seated where I placed them, not two.

"Where is my son?" I snapped, "What the fuck did you do?" I pushed the woman against the wall violently, gripping onto her weave while Wilmer trying to pull me off of her, "Where the fuck is my son! What did you do with him?"

Wilmer leant in close to my ear, "Demi, I know you're scared, and I am too, but she was with us the whole time so she couldn't have-"

"She knows something, I know that she knows something!" A small smirk came upon Kehlani's face as the words left my mouth, "You son of a bitch!" I snapped, my hand colliding with her face as Wilmer wrapped his hands securely around my waist, pulling me off of the woman. "Where is my son?" I screeched,

To be continued...

I'm v excited bc I found somewhere new to start dancinggggg. For those of you who don't know, my old dance studio shut down bc the owner had her baby and basically can't walk now because of the epidural and for monthssssssss I have been trying to find somewhere to go!
Ok so I got my period I think?
TMI WARNING: so my boyfriend was over last night and we got a bit heated and shit and he was fingering me when he goes "Babe, you're bleeding", and there's like a small patch of blood on my sheets and I grab a towel and there's like a fair amount of blood. His nails weren't sharp at all so he didn't cut me or anything. I go to the toilet this morning thinking I've gotten my period and there's nothing there! Through the day sometimes there was a bit of a pink tinge but it wasn't like proper period bleeding ugh I'm so confused and frustrated.

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