|Chapter Ten|

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Previously in The Life She Lies: After an amazing date, Demi and Wilmer head back to their hotel room for the night where Wilmer asks her to marry him.

6 Weeks Later

I was now half way through my pregnancy at twenty weeks.

I hadn't had an ultrasound since I was 14 weeks, the same week that Wilmer proposed to me. Not a lot had been the same since that happened, Wilmer was barely speaking to me. I thought knew I was married still, clearly Nick wouldn't have just let me leave. I just wish he would talk to me and hear me out.

A look of sadness overcame Wilmer as he closed the black box and placed it in the pocket of his slacks.

"It's fine, all good" A fake smile as he spoke to me,

"It's clearly not" I sighed, taking a seat next to him on end of the bed, "Wilmer, I do want to marry you, I want a family with you and I want a life with you but I can't-"

"You can, Demi. If you wanted it that badly then you would make it happen"

"I can't contact Nick!" I snapped in frustration at how he was just not understanding what I was saying. "If I contact him for a divorce then he will see the address of the lawyer I went through and know where I am! Then he will want custody battles with the baby just to make life more difficult and I just can't risk it if you want a good life together, otherwise it will be a mess!" I was practically yelling now, I just wanted him to understand!

"Go to sleep" Wilmer muttered, swapping his trousers for boxers and removing his shirt before getting under the bed covers.

My stubborn side began to show, "No, you're not even trying to listen to me or hear me out!" I stressed, "I'm going home"

"What?" Wilmer asked, a bit of shock sounding in his voice, "No, you're not" He grabbed my arm as I stood up,

"Get your hand off of me" I growled as he realised what he was doing,

"I'm sorry" He sat back,

I shook my head, "I'll see you tomorrow"

Wilmer sighed in defeat, "I love you"

I bit my lip in thought, "I love you too" I muttered, grabbing my shoes and handbag before heading out of the hotel room.

"Do you want to come to the ultrasound?" I asked while tying the laces on my black Nike shoes, wondering if it were okay for the baby for me to be crouched over like this, it was my first pregnancy so I wasn't sure about small things like this.

Wilmer walked out of the ensuite, "Of course" He told me, kneeling in front of me and tying my other shoe, I was about to tell him that I could do it myself but honestly, it wasn't good for the declining health of our relationship. "I can't wait until he's here"

I nodded in agreement, "Well we still have 20 more weeks to get our shit together I guess" I sighed, we were moving the wardrobe around and putting the nursery at one end and the clothes at the other, just until he's old enough to sleep in his own room.

"Would help if we actually wanted to talk to each other" Wilmer muttered standing up as he finished with my shoe lace,

A wash of guilt came over me, "I don't know what to say to you, I'm sorry"

"It's okay, I'm sorry I proposed to you"

"You shouldn't have to apologise for that" I responded, as stubborn as I was, I had to say it.


Our baby was beautiful, growing perfectly normal and everything looked great. Dr. Montgomery asked us if we were choosing names before or after he was going to be born and honestly, we had no idea.

Wilmer had suggested the names Kaleb, Jaden, Mason, and Kyle on the way home, but none of them seemed like the right one.
I guess we still had awhile to decide though.


12 Weeks Later

Another 7 weeks until the baby was here. Time had gone so unbelieveably fast, I was beginning to get nervous that we wouldn't be ready on time. The nursery wasn't set up yet, we had all of the furnature in boxes in the spare room which would one day be his room when we no longer need him right next to us. I guess we didn't need him right with us, it would make me more comfortable though, despite the fact that his bedroom was just down the hall.

Wilmer and I's relationship had still been rocky. Things got a bit better after the 20 week check up, but about two weeks later it all started going to shit again.

I wasn't sure if it was my hormones making me moody and irritable or if Wilmer and I just weren't for each other. I couldn't raise a child with him if we can't even be together normally. It hurt... At least Nick spoke to me and paid attention to me, with Wilmer and I it was just tense and empty. I thought he loved me but it just feels like a hole in my heart every time he says something sarcastic or rude.

"We need to sort everything out" I sighed, taking a seat next to Wilmer on the leather couch, "I'm sick of fighting with you, I miss you..." I admitted,

A soft look came upon Wilmer's face as I said that I missed him, "I miss you too Demi, I've just been taking it out on you because I feel rejected by you I guess"

I chewed the inside of my cheek, I did feel guilty about it but there was nothing I could do, "I'm sorry, but there's not a lot I can do"

"Do you really think that he's going to win the custody of the baby at all with all the evidence towards how he treated you for years and years?" He asked,

I shrugged, "But then he will know where I am, who I'm with, the baby's name, everything"

"We can get a restraining order"

I sighed, "I'm not ready, can't you just understand that? What's happened to you?" I stressed, my heart thudding as my anxiety began to play up again. I hated talking about Nick, and I hated that Wilmer was trying to push me into doing this.
I froze as I felt something wet trickle down my legs,

"I'm sorry, I'm trying to understand but I'm jealous, I want you all to myself and this dickhead still has the legal right to call you his wife" Wilmer said,

"Wil" I muttered,

"I love you so much, I don't know why I've been treating you so badly lately, I'm so sorry" He told me, his head in his hands as he began to cry,

"Wil!" I said louder this time, his head shooting up from his hands to look at me,

I was terrified as the words left my mouth, "The baby is coming"

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