|Chapter Nine|

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Ok so basically at the end of last year, my theory teacher (I was studying music) accused me of cheating on my final exam despite supervising the entire exam and admitting he didn't see anything, didn't suspect anything during the exam, has no evidence, and is going on the fact that I have 'some of the same answers to my boyfriend' even though we weren't sitting directly together. This happened November, its two months later and nothing has been sorted out. I'm so fucking frustrated. Honestly can't deal with this shit anymore, I thought he was just going to let the (informal) accusation go. He will probably cause himself a heartattack bc he's so old if he keeps going smh.
(Sorry needed to rant)

Previously in The Way He Lies: Demi is panicked when she fears Wilmer has just broken up with her, after realising he didn't in fact break up with her, she wonders what his "special plans" will consist of.

I wore a mid-thigh length, skin tight, black, strapless dress which made my bump pop out. Anxiety riddled through my whole body as I sat across from Wilmer at the small, circle dinner table. A bouquet of roses in the middle, big, but not too big that I couldn't see his face.

"You look gorgeous" Wilmer told me before taking a bite of his pasta,

I smiled softly, "You don't look too bad yourself" A dark grey suit covering his body, "Are you okay?"

"Mhm" I muttered, taking a bite of my food. Even I could see how tense I was, I had no idea why though. I was just anxious, although I had never been officially diagnosed, I suspected that I had it. "I'm sorry, I'm just nervous. I feel a bit weird... insecure..." I trailed off while looking at the ground,

"How about this, we can finish dinner, not worry about dessert here, and get ice cream on the way home?" Wilmer proposed as a smile lit up my face,

"That sounds perfect"

We finished up not too soon after, paying the resturant and making our way to the car. We stopped at a place called 'Copenhagen', they had literally every ice cream flavour possible.

I held the waffle cone in my hand as I ran my tongue along the surface of the cashew and caramel flavoured ice cream. It was so good, I think I came just tasting it.

"This ice cream is fucking goals" I mused as Wilmer drove, his cone in one hand and the other hand on the wheel, "Thank you"

"Mines okay, not my favourite flavour" Wilmer shrugged,

"They had every flavour there! You could have gotten your favourite"

Wilmer shook his head stubbornly, "They didn't have it"

"Well, what is it?"

"You" A small smirk formed on his face as I immediately went bright red.

"Wilmer!" I said, embarrassment coating my voice as I hit him softly on the arm. "You need to calm yourself"

"You make that pretty difficult"

I narrowed my eyes, "I highly doubt that"

"Don't underestimate yourself"

"Don't overestimate me"

"Stop arguing and accept that you're gorgeous" I smiled as a blush came upon my cheeks, actually, it had been there the whole time.

Entering our hotel room, Wilmer instantly removed his blazer and shoes before falling back onto the bed, "Tired?" I questioned,

"The night has barely begun" He winked as I rolled my eyes, "I'm serious"

"I know" I sighed sarcastically while setting my hand bag down on the island bench in the kitchen,

"I need to ask you something" Wilmer said nervously, sitting up now on the bed.

"Okay..." I trailed off nervously,

He let out an anxious sigh while getting up and walking over to me, "I know we've not been together very long, but time is just a concept really. Demi, I love you, I love you so much and it's been that way since the very moment that I met you. I want to be with you, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you" A confused look covered my face as Wilmer was knelt down on his knees, a small black box in his hands, "Demi, will you marry me?"

I bit the inside of my cheek, of course I wanted, "But I'm already married"

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