|Chapter Four|

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Previously in The Life She Lies: Tara wrote a steamy and scary filler chapter where not much happened, let's see what else is going on in the realm of Dilmer.

It was strange being so free. I was allowed to leave the house without being interrogated, I was allowed to go online and have social media profiles, I was allowed to do what I wanted to. Wilmer trusted me, even if he didn't I now could live using my basic human rights without being punished.

My belly was getting bigger, I was only 12 weeks but so much had changed in only 2 weeks. I needed to go see the OBGYN who's number Dr. Robins had given to me but I couldn't use mine and Nicks health insurance as he will get a letter and be able to track me.

"You know, the baby is as big as a plum this week" I smiled, looking down at my stomach.

Wilmer smiled, "That's the end of your first trimester isn't it?"

I nodded, "Yeah, we can find out the gender in four more weeks"

Wilmer sat down next to me, "We need to talk about something" I looked at the man, a look of slight confusion on my face, "This isn't my baby, it's yours, I'm not sure what you want me to do. I don't want to over step in my role as your partner, boyfriend, whatever I am... Do you want me to be a Father to this baby? If you don't I completely understand, I'll just be Wilmer, I'll stick by you and be there for the child"

"I don't want the baby having anything to do with Nick. I wish the baby was biologically yours, but it doesnt have to be biologically yours for you to be a Dad to it, every child needs their Dad" I told Wilmer, "So yeah, I would really like you to raise this child with me and be their Dad"

The smile on Wilmers face was full of pride, it was so cute seeing him so happy, "I was hoping you'd say something like that"

I chuckled at his response, my glasses sliding down my nose slightly, "Do you want to come to the 12 week ultrasound?"


Dr. Montgomery was very different from Dr. Robins, she seemed as if life had screwed her over more than it had with Dr. Robins. That sounded more morbid than intended, Dr. Montgomery was just more serious and more relatable I guess in a way. "So, this is the father of the baby?" Dr. Montgomery asked while looking at Wilmer,

I bit my lip softly not quite knowing what to say, "Yeah..."

She looked at me questioningly as she placed the cold gel on my stomach, "I was about to tell you how cold this gel can be but I'm guessing you just figured that out. Have you had an ultrasound appointment prior to this?"

I nodded, "Yeah, Dr. Robins actually referred me to you"

"That was nice of her" The doctor stated,

"I had one at 9 weeks, the baby was fine she said"

"Alright well we'll just check up on the baby and see what's going on in there, and I might have a surprise for you as well"

The scanner was placed on my lower belly as she spread the gel around, "Last time Dr. Robins told me the baby is sitting close to my spine and it wouldn't be showing until a few more weeks, I'm assuming it has moved?" I asked questioningly,

The doctor shrugged, "Every pregnancy is different for every woman, some people will be quite big at 12 weeks and some won't be showing in the slightest. You're pretty normal for what we see at 12 weeks so yes, the baby would have probably moved" Our conversation was interrupted by the sound of a loud heartbeat, "And this is your baby, steady heartbeat which is always a good sign"

The baby had changed since the last time I was it, last time it was so small that it just looked like a blob with five circles protruding from the body, and now it actually looked like a baby.

"Wow" Wilmer gushed, his eyes feasted on the screen as he held my hand in support,

"Dr. Montgomery-"

"Call me Addison" The Doctor smiled, her auburn hair slung over her shoulders,

"Addison, is everything normal with my baby?" I asked,

Addison nodded while looking carefully at the moving image on the screen, "Your baby looks fine... Are you interested in finding out the gender?"

I looked up to Wilmer questioningly, "It's up to you, my love" He told me,

"Yeah, I'm interested" I smiled,

"Well, at 12 weeks the genitals are quite swollen on both sexes, we should quite significantly be able to tell whether it's a boy or girl though. At the 16 week scan we will be more sure but it looks like you're having a..."

To be continued...

A/n: please don't kill me I'm doing a cute gender reveal chapter

Demi's 12 week stomach (yes I used her leaked tit pic don't judge me)

Demi's 12 week stomach (yes I used her leaked tit pic don't judge me)

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