|Chapter Sixteen|

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Previously in The Life She Lies: Nick and Kehlani team up to kidnap Eddie. Demi and the police track Nick through a phone call and arrest him, bringing Eddie back to safety.

The ring secured around the fourth finger of my left hand left me constantly mesmerised. Wilmer had told me that it was his Mothers ring, now every time that I see his Mother she gushes over how glad she is that I'm marrying her son.
Wilmer was over the moon when I officially told him that I had divorced Nick and that we could really be together now.

I took a seat on the leather couch, the Golden Retriever puppy that Wilmer had gotten me for Valentines day jumping onto my lap. Thankfully she was still quite small.
"Hey Bindy" I smiled" running my hand through her golden coat of fur.

"I thought we said no presents" I sighed to Wilmer as he sat across from me on the picnic rug,

Wilmer smirked, "It's just as much for me as it is for you"

"Oh God" I screwed up my face, "It's not some kind of Christian Grey torture chamber is it?"

"Maybe" He winked, "Trust me, it's not dirty...in that sense"

"Should I be scared?"

"Definitely not" Wilmer pulled out his phone for a moment before typing and placing it back in his pocket. "Hey buddy" Wilmer smiled as Eddie crawled over to him from behind a collection of bushes,

I sighed, "Is Eddie my surprise?"

Wilmer shook his head, "No"

Suddenly a small blonde puppy ran out from behind the same collection of bushes.

"Oh my god" I squealed as the puppy ran into my lap, jumping on my and sniffing my face, "Is it a boy or a girl?" I asked,

"Girl" Wilmer smiled,

"Bindy" I said, letting the dog lick my cheek, "Her name is Bindy"

Wilmer placed Eddie on the grass next to him. "Happy Valentine's Day, my love"

It had been a month since Nick and Kehlani had been arrested, their trial was in two days. There's a plea deal for Kehlani, if she admits to everything including knowing about his abuse towards me then she would only get 8 months in prison.

I sighed, looking down at my bag to see the white, blue, and pink box sticking out the top as I felt anxiety flutter through my stomach. 'First Response' written across the front in bold writing.
I didn't want to be pregnant again, having one child was hard enough. I love Eddie don't get me wrong, it's just hard.

"When are you going to take it?" Wilmer asked, placing his hand on my thigh as he sat next to me,

I shrugged, "I'm nervous"

"It's okay, whatever happens we will make it work"

"I'm not worried about money or anything Wilmer, emotionally I'm just... I don't know if I can do it again so soon" I admitted,

Wilmer nodded understandingly, "Let's not count our chickens before they hatch, you might not even be pregnant"

"My period is two weeks late"

"Could be stress" He suggested.

"Hopefully" I grabbed the box, Bindy jumping off of my lap just before I got off the couch. Walking into the bathroom, I pulled out one of the tests and locked the door behind me.

The next three minutes dragged on for what felt like forever.

"Anything?" Wilmer asked through the door,

I shook my head even though I knew he couldn't see it. "One red line" I told him, holding the white stick in my hand,

"What's positive?"

"Two red lines" I told him, "Fuck me" I muttered as a second faint line began to show up.

"You okay?" I threw the test to the floor as I rested my head in my hands, crouched still on the toilet, "Demi?"

"I'm not ready" I sobbed as Wilmer opened the door, I quickly pulled up my pants and closed the lid of the toilet, "Wilmer, I can't have another baby right now"

"We've got another 9 months so..."


"Demi, I love Eddie, as far as I'm concerned he is my child. I'm a 36 year old man though, and I don't have a child who is biologically mine, that's all I've ever wanted"

I shook my head, "You can't force me to keep a child that I don't want"

"I won't..." He sighed, I could see that his eyes were getting glassy, "We can go to the doctors tomorrow"

"I'm sorry"

Wilmer planted a kiss on my lips, running his hand over my hair, "I support you and your decisions"

"I don't deserve you" I mumbled, burying my head into his chest. "I love you so much"

"I love you too"

"My fiancé" I smiled into his chest.


I sat on the edge of our bed. The abortion pills in the palm of my hand and a bottle of water in the other.
"Mam!" Eddie exclaimed, taking me out of my state of concentration.

I placed the pills in my pocket, rolling onto my stomach to face Eddie who was sitting at the other side of my bed, a green toy in his hands. "Hey" I smiled, squeezing his tiny foot softly,

"Love you mam!" He smiled, not pronouncing the words quite right as he shook the toy around.
The baby began to babble and giggle before chewing on the toy.

I sighed, "Do you want to be a big brother?" I asked, knowing he wouldn't understand what I was saying, and that he wouldn't answer.

Eddie looked at me, a smile on his face as he threw the toy at me, hitting me in the arm lightly.

"I don't know if that is a yes or a no" I sighed, grabbing the toy and throwing on top of our dresser.

"Ye!" Eddie mumbled, "Ye...ssssss" He said again, slower and louder this time.

Maybe that was a sign.

SOMEONE CALL THE POLICE, DEMI HAS BEEN ROBBED! Omfg Demi, or honestly anyone but Adele deserved that Grammy!
I'm honestly so mad you don't understand. She was so unprofessional. I undertsand that Adele makes millions but you don't stop a performance because you don't like how it's going. You keep going and make it better. If I ever did that at a gig or performance then they would never ask me back again.
Plus, some people work so hard their entire careers for a Grammy award and Adele literally snapped hers in half because she already has ten.
25 was not the best pop vocal album of the year, is she even a fkn pop singer?!!! Honestly, every album in that category was better than 25. Even Purpose and Dangerous Woman, they were so hyped and popular this year, how tf did 25 win?!

This show is so favortised it's not even funny. I knew this after Taylor kept winning awards and even with Adele and her overrated ass winning so many each year. It's so rigged. I'm so done, they've lost so much respect and credibility.

Yes I'm pressed, don't come for me.

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