|Chapter Five|

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Previously in The Life She Lies: Wilmer clarifies what his role in the baby's life will be with Demi, and joins her with the 12 week ultrasound. When Dr. Montgomery tells them they can find out the gender, they're excited to find out what it will be.

"What about the name Angel? As in my little angel" I brainstormed as I lay next to Wilmer in our massive bed, "Or Ashley, Bailey maybe"

Wilmer chuckled, rolling over and cuddling me, "Go to sleep, we have a big day tomorrow"

I sighed, "That's exactly why I'm trying to brainstorm, to distract myself" I explained, "What if your family don't like me? I show up suddenly living with their son and pregnant with another mans child"

"Well, firstly I don't think Nick deserves the title of a man" Wilmer stated sarcastically, "But seriously Demi, they will love you. Just be yourself, as long as I'm happy they will be happy for me. Plus, my Dad has been nagging me about grandchildren for ages now"

I let out a soft chuckle, "My whole family already likes you, I mean yeah you haven't met them but everything you've done for me already"

Wilmer looked into my eyes, "I love you"

"I love you too" I smiled, kissing him softly on the lips as I slowly tangled my body with his. I bit my lip in thought, "We can have sex while I'm pregnant, yeah? Or will the baby feel stuff?" I asked, a slight humour in my voice but mostly asking out of genuine curiosity.

Wilmer let out a small laugh, "I think we're allowed to have sex"

"Soon" I winked, pecking the man on the lips softly as his hand rested on my ass, "Keep your hands to yourself, Mr. Valderrama" I turned away from him,

"Get some sleep, my Angel"

"Don't tell me what to do" I smirked,

"Fine, I'm going to get some sleep" Wilmer told me, "Goodnight my Angel, I love you" I felt his soft lips press against the back of my head before he pulled away from me,

I blushed with a cheesy smile on my face, "I love you too, goodnight"


Today my anxiety was through the roof. I wasn't sure if it was due to hormones or if it was just my declining mental health, but either way it was not good for a day like today.
I was so nervous and insecure. I did not feel good, I felt bloated and yuck. I had already thrown up this morning after breakfast, was this baby going to let me eat today?

I flopped onto the brown leather couch while looking across into the big mirror which hung upon the wall. My short black hair did not suite my outfit at all. I should have kept the long brown, it would have gone so much better. The white dress which finished just above my knee and tan knit cardigan going down to just about the same length hung over my body, a pair of tan tights and black high heel boots with my minimal make-up.

"I don't like my hair" I sighed, Wilmer walking into the kitchen across from me as he looked slightly confused, "It doesn't go with the outfit, I look weird"

Wilmer chuckled slightly, "You don't look weird Hermosa, your hair isn't even that short, you look fine" He told me, making his way over to me as I sat up straight.

"I'm so fucking nervous" I confessed, wrapping my arms around my slightly protruding belly while crouching over as my man sat next to me, his hand resting on the small of my back. "I'm going to do something stupid or say something wrong"

"I'll probably do that too, so what?"

"I don't want to make a fool out of myself, what if they don't want you to be with me?"

"Well I'm a 37 year old man, I don't think they have much of a say"

"True" I sighed as a playful smile came upon my face, "You're so old" I teased,

"I'm not old, you're just young"

I shrugged, "I mean like, you were probably having your first kiss while I was being born but okay"

My breath hitched in my throat as the doorbell echoed throughout the massive house. Okay, it's okay. Everything was set out and prepared. Wilmer had organised a few little games for the guests, as they walked in they would pick up a pink or blue badge to say which they thought the baby was going to be. I had to admit, I was excited for the gender reveal, it's just meeting his family for the first time was so nerve wrecking.

The anxiety left my body for a moment when I saw my short red headed Mother enter the room, a pink badge pinned to her black tank-top.

"He's so nice!" Mom told me while wrapping her arms around my body. "Much nicer than Nick, I can't believe you didn't tell anyone..."

I looked at my Mother confused, "I'm not quite sure that I know what you're talking about"

"Dallas told me" My anxiety was back.
Anxiety and anger, I was furious at Dallas for telling her about it, it was not her place. "Don't be mad Dems, she didn't know what to do"

"Whatever" I muttered as the rest of my family entered the room, Eddie with a pink badge, Dallas also a pink badge, and my little sister Madison wearing a blue badge. "Why so keen on a girl?" I asked,

"Demi, you need a little princess, admit it" Dallas said, I tried to suppress the smile that came upon my face as she spoke about my baby. I was still mad at her though, furious.

Maddie shook her head, "I think it's a boy, you look too good for it to be a girl. Girls are meant to suck the life out of you, I mean, look at Mom for example"

"Hey!" Mom snapped jokingly, softly slapping my little sister on the arm, trying to defend herself against the taller 15 year-old.

"Oh my God, you're so beautiful!" Wilmer's Mom gushed while pulling me into her embrace and planting a kiss on my cheek, "Wilmer is so lucky to have you"

I blushed at the compliment as the rest of Wilmer's family stood around, "Here we have 2 girl guesses and 3 boy guesses" Wilmer motioned to the badges his family wore, "Demi, this is my Mom, Sobedia. My Dad, Balvino, my sister Stephanie who you've already met, and Marilyn. This is Marilyn's son, Christian" He explained to me before Stephanie took me into a big hug.

"I've missed you, you were one of the only people I knew down there" She told me, running her hand over my baby bump when she pulled away, "This baby is going to be so cute, I'm so excited to be an Aunty"

Christian stepped forward with a confused look on his face, "You're already an Aunt"

She bit her lip softly, "Yeah, right, I meant again" She laughed at her forgetfulness.

Wilmer walked over to my, wrapping his arm around my waist as I leant into him slightly. Being close to him made me feel so much more relaxed and comfortable. "So, the reason we're all here, the gender reveal"

"It's going to be a boy" Stephanie rolled her eyes playfully,

Marilyn shook her head, "It'll be a girl"

"Well, let's find out" I said with a massive smile on my face.

Wilmer passed everyone a cupcake, blue and pink icing on top as we began to count down.

3... 2... 1...

Wilmer and I yelled in sync as everyone bit into their cupcakes, revealing the bright blue icing hidden inside,

"It's a boy!"

A/N: ok so I'm going away for the next 3 days so I might not be able to update because I don't think there's wifi, I will be uploading a new dilmer story soon though called Shape of You so keep an eye out for that.

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