Chapter Twenty-One: Adira

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I'm not sure how this could have possibly gotten worse. Despite the fact that I was being held hostage, I wasn't sure what my father would do. His two options were try to free me, and in the process get me killed, or just let them take me prisoner.

I wasn't sure which was worse. And by that I mean do I want him to try to save me? Or just let them take me? At this point, unfortunately the best option was to let them take me.

I could see that he was seething with anger. He may not have cared about me much, but I was his only heir. And as such, he needed to protect me. If I had had siblings, it wouldn't have mattered. At all. If I died, a sibling would take my place as heir. Simple as that. No one would really care.

"Fine," he snarled, "let them pass." He ordered the guards.

The guards looked shocked, but quickly replaced it by blank expressions. I could still tell they were unhappy, though.

They stepped on either side of the gate, and the man and woman walked me forward. It seemed as though they were parading me. Showing off that they had the upper hand. And they very clearly did.

"Open the gates," the girl ordered in a crisp voice.

After glancing at the king first, the guards opened the gates at his short nod.

I was walked out the gates quickly, where the man gave a sharp whistle. Soon, two horses came trotting over. One was a dark bay with a blaze, and the other was a bright chestnut. Despite how serious this situation was, I found them extremely beautiful.

The man lifted me up easily onto the horse, and then climbed behind me. I looked down at the girl and realized with a shock that she was the same one I had dueled with. Everything fell into place. Why they had been there.

To kidnap me.

But something still didn't make sense. Why had they taken so long to capture me? The time between when I found the slaughtered guards and when they had captured me had been too much to have just been there to kidnap me.

Hopefully everything would explain itself soon.

The girl mounted the remaining horse, the chestnut, and spurred it forward. The man followed suit, and soon they both were in a gallop.

I twisted my head to look backwards and saw the castle getting smaller and smaller. Tears sprang into my eyes. Would I ever return home again?

Aww, poor Adira. Hopefully everything will work out okay. :) Vote and comment if ya'll enjoyed it!

Adira - Evara

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