Chapter Nine: Adira

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"Don't you have somewhere to go?" I groaned, my eyes still closed.

"Princess, can you tell me what's wrong?" Theo asked, obviously concerned for me.

I opened my eyes and looked at him, "I'm fine."

"No, I don't think so." He said, looking positively confused. I sighed, wondering why couldn't he just leave or something.

Not really knowing what to say, I closed my eyes again.

"Princess," he started, "Can you not tell me or something?"

I sat up, "It's fine, just go say hello to Marissa or something." It came out. Colder than I meant it, but it came out nonetheless.

He seemed extremely shocked. "Marissa?" He practically sputtered.

"Yes," I snapped, laying down and facing away from him.

I feel his hand on my arm, "Adira, that was all a misunderstanding."

"Well, then explain." I hoped it was true that I had heard wrong or something like that, although mainly I was still skeptical. How could it have been a misunderstanding?

"I, well, the king wanted me to find you," he started. I looked over at Theo, watching him. So far his story sounded right. That sounded like my father, not wanting me to train or do anything like that. It also sounded like him to send Theo. Somehow, the king had found out that Theo liked me, and I liked him. And because he wanted to marry me off to some rich ruler, he hated Theo.

"And I thought I had found you, but it was Marissa." Theo continued explaining. How could he have mistaken Marissa for me? Maybe if he saw the back of her?

But I was still confused, "You kissed her hand and told her she was beautiful..." I needed him to explain that part more than anything. Why would he call someone else beautiful if he loved me?

I didn't understand what Theo was doing or why he did what he did. I thought he liked me, but this new development with Marissa had me more confused than ever.

Adira - Evara

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