Pregnant & all alone.

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The little blue "+" sign could not have been any clearer.

I'm pregnant.

How the hell had I not seen this coming?!

Sure, I hadn't had a period for 4 months, but don't judge me! For me, this was perfectly normal. Heck, I'd once gone 6 months without a period before. My bodies a bit unorganised, according to the doctor.

The cravings! Craving a lot of food right before my period was normal too. I'd just assumed my period was coming anytime now. I wouldn't be getting another period for 5 months.

Oh dear God why hadn't I realised? The weight gain! 15 whole pounds dammit. I thought it was just the food I was craving. I figured I'd work it off when my period was over.

The blue plus sign stared back at me. How was I going to tell my father? He'd kill me! I was only 15. I had my whole life ahead of me. But now with a baby. How would I tell Marc, my boyfriend? He didn't want a kid, he wanted to go college, university. There was no way I could handle a baby, he was too engrossed in becoming world leader, or something along those lines.

The first thing I knew I had to do was tell Toby. Toby is my best friend ever, I love him to pieces, he knows everything about me, we've been friends for 13 years, which is why I had to tell him first. I always wonder id I would have ended up going out with Toby one day you know, like they do in the movies, except, well, Toby's gay. Ah well.

I rang him on his mobile, and asked if he was home. He wasn't, but he told me to go over anyway, because his mom wondering about me, and he'd be home soon anyway.

I walked the ten minutes to their house, constantly thinking about my baby. It would be around 4 months grown, and I wondered how much grown that actually was. As I walked, I thought about how I knew to take the pregnancy test. Ignoring the obvious facts, like the weight gain, craving for foods, especially cucumbers, and needing to pee all the time, I had actually decided to take a test after fainting in the schools toilets. This girl called Claire Morris found me sprawled on the floor, I had to insist that I just hadn't eaten much that day, but she dragged me to the school nurse anyway, who sent me home. So then I ran to the pharmacy and got a pregnancy test, and now I'm on my way to tell my best friend that I'm pregnant.

At Toby's house, I'm greeted by his mom, Sadie.

"Hey Sadie"

"Hiya Tam! Come on in, what's new with you? How's your dad? Have you eaten today?"

Seriously, I love Sadie. She's just so great to me. I've considered her to be my mom ever since I made friends with Toby.

You see, I don't have a real mom. Well I do, obviously, but she's in a mental hospital somewhere, has been since I was 4 months old. The doctors thought it was just a bit of postpartum depression, but it turned out worse than that, and now she's considered to be too dangerous to be let out. Dad reckons I should go and see her one day, but seriously? I don't she'd even remember having a daughter. I've never remembered her, so why bother stirring up the past now?

A few minutes later, Toby walked in, and ushered me up to his bedroom because he knew how serious I'd sounded on the phone earlier.

I suddenly realised that I was going to tell someone that I was pregnant for the first time, and started to panic.

"So Tam, what's the prob?"

"uhhhhhhhhh" was all I could manage.

"Oh come on" Toby laughed. "It can't be that bad! Did you tell my mother?"

"No" I replied. "And you can't either!" I practically shouted at him.

"Ok, ok" He replied, pretending to wince at me. "Just spit it out though please, the suspense is killing me!"

"It's nothing to laugh about Tobias. I'm pregnant."

Even in the heat of the moment, it was so hard just not to laugh at Toby's face. It went from smiling and peculiar, to a giant 0.

"Say something Toby.


You're the first person I've told and I'm scared. If everyone's going to react this way then I'm not telling anyone else.

Oh please say something Toby. I don't like the silence. Your never silent. I bet even when you were a baby you-"

Toby practically slapped his hand across my mouth. "Stop babbling." he whispered.

He took a deep breath, and asked : "How far along are you?"

"Well according to my menstrual cycle, around 4 months"

"Oh dear Lord" Toby's attention turned to my stomach.

I didn't even look pregnant. I'd never been really skinny, so as a healthy size 12/14 my belly didn't really look like it had a bump.

As Toby rested his hand on it, I noticed that it had kind of gotten firmer, as though it was preparing to expand.

I realised I'd have to tell Marc and my dad pretty soon, on account of growing a bump. After leaving Toby's house, (he was still in shock so I just left him to ponder) I decided that before I told anyone else about my baby, I'd go see a doctor. I needed to know how far along I was exactly, start preparing and stuff.

I got my phone out, and made an appointment with the doctor at the local hospital for the next day, right after school.

I wondered what would happen.

Okay, so sorry if this seems a bit short, and not really that interesting, but it's my first chapter of my first story, so i'm hoping to improve alot. Please do leave comments if you think I need to improve.


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