Chapter 18: Different

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Max's Pov

I woke up with heavy eyelids. Struggling to keep them open, I got up from my bed. Katie left before I could wake up, and Duke and Bolt were still sleeping. I yawned, stretched, got up and walked to my dog bowl eating and drinking. Something was missing though. It's not the food. I doubt me waiting for Katie to come back is the cause, but it's the effect of the part that's missing. What is it? I looked outside the window thinking. I looked up, and then I realized what it was.

"Gidget didn't say hi to me," I said to myself.

That's what was missing. She would always say hi to me. But since our break up, she hasn't been saying hi to me for a while. Can't believe I'm finally realizing that. But now we're just friends, again. And I'll try my hardest to get her back. I know I don't deserve her, but I will.

Thud! Smash!

I was interrupted from my thoughts to see Duke tip over the flower plant and a mess of water and pieces of flowers and the vase. I rolled my eyes.

"Really Duke?" I asked.

"My bad," he replied.

Bolt woke up soon after. I actually forgot he was still here. And was gonna be here for another week, or two? Whatever.

"Morning," he yawned.

"*sigh* Morning," I replied.

"You seem a little down Max. What's wrong?"

Why must he always see the way people are? Good Lord.

"It's nothing Bolt. I'm...just tired. I didn't sleep well." I lied of course.

"If you say so."

Yeah, I wasn't about to be couped up in the apartment all day. Guess I could visit Snowball. Since I've never seen his place.


"Glad you could make it TD," Snowball greeted me. He let me in through the front door. I saw Snowflake and Autumn here as well.

"Hey Max," they both greeted me.

"Hey girls. How's it going?" I asked.

"Well fine. I guess," Autumn said. "And these two were getting all lovable with each other."

"Hey!" Snowball complained. "It's Valentine's Day. We can get all lovable as we wish."

"It's Valentine's Day?" I asked.

"Yep. It's the day of-"

"I know what it is!"

Snowball put his paws up in a gesture of sorry.

"Well someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed. What, did Katie not give you a belly rub this morning?" Autumn joked. Snowball and Snowflake laughed.

"No she didn't. But I don't see why you're here as a third wheel on their Valentine's Day." I smirked.

She went silent after that.

"Shut up," she muttered.

"Why are you really there?" asked Snowball.

"To clear my head," I replied. "And you're the one who clears my head the most, both in a fun and irritating way at most times, but it works."

He slowly smiled stupidly.

" came to the right guy," Snowflake said.

"Hey that's my line."

"Well now it's mine." She kissed him, holding him.

He smiled, holding her as well, and said, "And your mine, too." He kissed her back.

Autumn moaned loudly.

I just watched the two get along, as a couple should. Reminding me of the days of Gidget and I. But now, it's... different. I pushed those thoughts away.

"So are we gonna do something or are Autumn and I gonna keep suffering?"

They both gave me the ''really' face.

"Fine. Since it bothers you guys so much," Snowball said.

"It does," Autumn complained.

"You suck," said Snowflake.

"You suck."

"We could check out my homie Snoop," Snowball suggested.

"...Snoop. Really?" I asked, unbelievably.

"What? It's his rap name...and his actual name conveniently. Anyways, he's been recording a new song and he said I could come down to his studio with anyone and check out what he's been recording."

Nothing else better to do I guess.

"Why the heck not?"

Okay I just want to start off by saying thank you guys soooo much for over 4000 reads on my story. That's crazy! Like, on God I wasn't expecting that so fast. One of the best TSLOP stories now. It's crazy to even think about it. I know Valentine's Day has passed, but it seems close enough. So...yeah. Hope you guys like this chapter. Thank you guys so much for your support. Leave a comment, and I'll talk to you all later.

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