Chapter 2: The Date Part 2

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Gidget's Pov

I was getting ready for my date with Max. I was really excited! I've waited for this day for soooo loooong! I had to look nice I didn't want to mess this up. Instead of my usual pink bow, I put on a purple one with a diamond in the middle.

"Uh huh, perfect!" I said. I sat waiting patiently for Max, ready to blow up with joy. I wondered where we were going. Also how to get there as well. I heard a couple of taps on my windowsill and I saw Max. I stared at him in amazement. He had on a bowtie that replaced his collar. He looked so handsome and charming. I jumped up onto the couch, then onto the windowsill and opened the window.

"Are you ready?" he asked, with a smile.

"Yep, I'm ready," I replied.

He walked me down the stairs of my building until we jumped down onto the sidewalk. We were waiting for something apparently. I was about to ask him what were we waiting for, but then a loud screech of burning rubber from a taxi came driving down towards us, and stopped right in front of us. The window rolled down and I saw the same pig with tattoos from the last time all the animals took a ride home.

"Name's Tattoo, and I will be your driver today, courtesy of Snowball!" the pig exclaimed. I stood there confused for a second, then Max said, "Could you take us to Central Park?"

"Alrighty! Hop in!" He opened the back door for us. Max walked up to the side and said, "Ladies first."

"Why thank you Maxy," I said. I walked up to him, gave him a quick teasing lick on his muzzle, and winked. He stood there frozen and blushing. I giggled and hopped onto the seat, and Max came in after me. Then Tattoo drove us to Central Park. After the ride Max and I jumped out and thanked Tattoo for the ride and he left. Now Max and I were alone.

"So what are we gonna do," I asked him.

"It's a suprised, your gonna love it," he said. Ooh I love suprises. It always gets me excited and wondering what it might be. "Just close your eyes and I'll walk you there."

I did as I was told and allowed Max to walk me there. A couple minutes passed and I was getting anxious.

"We're almost there," he said. We continued walking until we stopped. "Okay, now you can open your eyes."

Once I opened my eyes I gasped in surprise. There was a set up picnic will some of my favorite foods, two burning candles that smelled of lavender, red roses in a vase (which were my favorite kind of flowers), and two spots just for me and Max. I was amazed on how he did this.

"Do you like it?" Max asked.

"I LOVE IT!" I yelled. "How did you manage all of this?"

"Well, I had some help," he chuckled. "Now, how about we start our date?"

For the past two hours we ate and talked much. We talked about what other things we liked to do. For instance, I loved to watch my favorite TV show, and Max loved to play with his favorite ball. He then decided to tell me about his adventure with Duke. He had to go through dog catchers, sewers of animals, a meat factory, saving Duke, all of that. I told him of what I did during his absence. I told him on how I had grouped up all our friends to rescue him, became best friends with a certain hawk, interrogated a furless cat, etc.

"You must have been really worried for me, huh?" asked Max.

"Of course I was," I said. "I couldn't imagine what would my life be without you. Most of the time I wake up to see you Max. I've always admired you. The thought of you gone makes me scared, because your the one I care about the most. I've waited for you to say if you had any feelings for me, and now look at where we are. On our first date, and it's better than I ever imagined."

The Secret Life of Pets: Max x GidgetDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora