Chapter 1: The Date Part 1

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Max's Pov

It's been a week since the incident on the bridge, and I have yet to ask Gidget out. Yes...I said it. I have feelings for Gidget, but I want to see if our relationship can grow into something more.

As usual, our owner Katie left me and Duke, my new brother, at home. We sat at the door waiting for her to come back, until Duke spoke.

"Is this what you do everyday?" he asked.

"Yep," I replied. "Nothing but waiting for Katie to come home." After a few moments, Duke spoke again.

"This is so boring," he sighed.

"Well you don't have to do what I'm doing. It's your choice."

"Max, it's like you don't do anything else. Do you even hang out with our friends, or play with your toys, or how about you going out with Gidget?"

"Well of course I hang out with my friends, I would sometimes play with my toys, and I didn't ask Gidget out yet."

Duke went to eat out of his dog bowl and I just sat by the door still. After a good minute or so, I realized the last thing I just said...

"I DIDN'T ASK OUT GIDGET YET!" I yelled suddenly. Duke was startled by my sudden outburst. I started pacing on the floor talking to myself.

"It's been a week and I still haven't asked her yet. I should probably ask her today. But wait, what should I say? Where should I take her? How am I even going to get to my planned destination?"

"Well you could take her to the park for a picnic," Duke said. I stopped in my tracks thinking about what Duke said.

"Well that's not a bad place to take her," I responded, "but how am I gonna make a picnic?"

"Don't worry Max, I got that covered."

"Okay, then how am I gonna get us there?"

"You could ask Snowball to get Tattoo for a ride."

"Alright then. I'll figure out how to ask her and you could get all that handled right?"

"Of course bro. Don't hesitate I got you."

"Alright then. I'll ask her in ten minutes, while you set up the preparations."

"I'm on it." Duke walked out the window heading down to Snowball.

I just jumped onto the couch and sat there thinking to myself again. How am I gonna do this? It shouldn't be too hard. Man I've never really asked anyone out before so this is new to me. And I've never had romantic feelings for another dog, especially not Gidget. I'll just go to her window, knock on it, and when she opens it, then I'll ask her. Good.

I went outside my apartment and walked up the stairs. As I got to Gidget's level, I jumped across onto her windowsill. I lightly tapped her window and waited silently, until she opened the window. Once she saw me, a big smile lit up on her face and her fluffy tail started wagging.

"Hey Max," she said, "what's up?"

"Oh nothing just wanted to ask you something," I said.


"Well, um, I was kinda wondering if you," I began, nervously.

"If I what?"

I took in a deep breath and spoke.

"Do you want to go out with me to the park for a picnic?"

Gidget froze up for a moment and asked, "Like a date?"


"OF COURSE I'LL GO OUT WITH YOU!" she yelled, then she tackled me and licked my face repeatedly.

"Okay, alright Gidget you can stop now," I laughed. She is so hyper. She finally stopped and let me up.

"Okay then, be ready in ten minutes," I said.

"Okay!" Gidget responded quickly. She ran back into her apartment quickly. I just went back home to see Duke on the couch.

"So is it ready?" I asked.

"Yep, got the picnic and your ride will be here any minute now," he responded.

"Alright, now I have to get ready as well."

I felt as if this was going to be a great date. I can't wait, and I bet she can't wait either.

And there you have it folks. The first part of this story is here. Leave a comment if you enjoyed it or if you want to see more. I'll catch y'all later.

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