Chapter 5: Relatives by Blood, Family by Loyalty

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Duke's Pov

It was an early morning. I heard Katie leave for work. I opened my eyes and yawned from my sleep. I looked over to the door and saw Max waiting, as usual. He groaned in pain trying to scratch his neck. He has on some bandages. It's been almost a month since the fight with Cisco, some dog who was trying to steal Gidget away from Max. Luckily me and all of our friends were there to help him. He had on more bandages a couple of weeks ago. Some have been removed, and some have been replaced. He even had on a cone so he didn't scratch at his neck since the wounds were still healing.

I watched as he struggled to scratch his neck and try not to inflict pain on himself all together. Of course it didn't go well.

"Max, it's not going to stop the pain," I said.

"But it itches so much," he responded. "Even without the cone I still can't scratch without something in the way." Nothing is going to stop this dog. He's too stubborn to listen. That's Max for you.


"Hey Max, you gonna chase this butterfly with us!?" asked Mel. Buddy looked at him with a 'really' face, and so did I.

"Mel, I'm still wearing bandages. Are you blind as much as you are color blind?" Max replied.

Our friends went off playing, Max just sat next to a bench, and I did nothing. I just thought back to the incident when Max saved me from drowning. Then I thought back to the incident when I saved Max from almost being killed by another dog. It's like I owed him back from it.

"Hey Duke," Max called out to me, interrupting my thoughts. "Whatcha thinking about?"

"Remember the time when you saved me from drowning in the truck?" I asked him.

"Yeah, what about it?"

"Well I never got the chance to owe you back from it."

"Aw Duke, you don't have to owe-"

"Until I saved you from Cisco."

Max stopped talking and continued to look at me. This gave me the time to speak.

"Max after the incident on the bridge my mind's been a little bit off, not bad though it's just well I never really had a brother or sister. I was a stray before I met my first owner. I even saw my life flash before my eyes. You saved me from drowning and I owe it to you. But I guess I kind of owed you back when I saved you from that other dog. I know we've started off on the wrong paw, but now we're brothers. And I just want you to know that I got your back. Even though we're not blood related, I'm proud to call you my brother."

Max's Pov

I listened to all that Duke said to me. I was touched. Either than Gidget or Katie, that was one of the nicest things anyone's said to me.

"Thanks Duke," I said, "That was the nicest thing you've ever said to me."

Duke smiled and I smiled back.

"And I feel the same way," I continued. I looked forward. "I don't remember much of my brothers and sisters. Only that we all wanted a home badly. I've seen other pets and humans with there own sibling or siblings and I saw that they don't get along, at all. But it doesn't matter if your blood related or not. As long as you love them as family. And I've heard a saying about that."

"What was it?" Duke asked.

I looked at him and said, "Family bonds us by blood, loyalty bonds us by heart."

"Huh, smart."

"Yeah, well, I've never really believed that saying until I met you. I guess people can change."

"Yeah me too."

"Me three!"

Duke and I were startled and looked to see Mel and Buddy. Mel had some tears in his eyes.

"Are you crying?" Buddy asked.

"What, it's emotional," he replied.

We all laughed. Mel can be strange sometimes, but that's one of the things we like about him.

"Well I feel better now," I said.

"Feel better enough to play with us?" Buddy asked, with a smirk.

I smirked back to him and said, "Why not?"

We all began playing around, chasing butterflies, trying to take the balls of other dogs. It was a good hour or two, not sure. Too caught up in the fun.

Afterwards the guy started walking us back home and Buddy asked me something. Something I haven't even thought of.

"So when will you have your next date with Gidget?" he asked. My face froze and my eyes widened. Oh ssssshhhh...

"I forgot about her to be honest," I replied nervously.

If we were in an anime, all my friends would have fallen on their heads. Well, I wonder how Gidget's been, huh. Hopefully she isn't mad and doesn't kill me.

Chapter 5 is finally...alright you guys get it now. I hope you like it. Somewhat emotional. I thought about this since some of my family is going through emotional and hard times for no apparent reason. Thank you guys for your support. Leave a comment if you like and I'll talk to you guys later.

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