Chapter 11: Another Date

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Max's Pov

I woke up tired as ever. I saw it was still morning night. Wow, I've never woken up at this time before. It's really early right now.

I got up from my dog bed, and stretched while yawning. Doesn't seem I can go back to sleep, so I'll just have to stay up I guess.

I sat by the window and thought about my date with Gidget today. Where should I take her? Or does she have something planned this time? Well whatever it is, I'll be glad it's with her. I remember when I first met her. I just moved in with Katie, and I met her next door from me, talking through the window.

Flash Back:

"Hey there!" Gidget greeted.

"Oh, hi." Max said.

"So, you must be my new neighbor?"

"Uh yeah. I just moved in with my new owner Katie."

"Well I welcome you to our neighborhood!"

Max chuckled. "Wow you must be really energetic."

"Yeah. I like to greet others and make friends. It's sorta like a hobby I like to do, and watch Romance on TV."

She looked up to space, somewhere.

"Also, I've always dreamt of finding my true love. Others might not believe in that sort of stuff, but I do. And someday I'll find him."

"...Okay. That's nice I guess. I've always wanted to gaze from atop the skyscraper with someone, but I've never really had friends until I met Katie. All my brothers and sisters left long before I found my home." Max frowned.

She also frowned. Then her face lit up.

"Hey I can be your friend!" she said.

"Wait what!?" Max asked, startled.

"I can be your friend. We can talk to each other through our windows, like we're doing now."

"Oh, w-well, I guess we could be friends."

"Great! My name's Gidget."

"Uh, m-my name's Max."

Gidget giggled.

"Your cute when you're nervous."

Max blushed.

"W-well uh-"

"Well I got to go. My owners will be taking me to get me an accessory for my fur. So talk to ya later. Bye!" She ran off.

"Okay. Bye."

Flash Back Ended

Back to Max's Pov

"Huh, she's always been energetic since the day I met her." I said to myself.

I looked at the clock, and the time said 6:30. Woah, how times flies when your doing other things. -yawn- And I'm tired again. Whatever. I walked to my dog bed, layed down and got some more sleep.


Time Skip Afternoon...

"Hey Max!" Duke yelled. I woke up and felt my ear drums pounding.

"Why are you yelling?!" I asked. "I'm right here!"

Then I here a familiar giggling. I turn my gaze at the window. Gidget was on the windowsill.

The Secret Life of Pets: Max x GidgetWhere stories live. Discover now