Chapter 15: Heart Broken

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Gidget's Pov

It's been almost two weeks since I broke up with Max, and I was still hurt by what he did and said. I was crying for nearly two and a half days. Most of the time I would spend my days home just eating, barely watching some telenovela, sobbing, sleeping, sobbing while I'm sleeping, etcetera. Sometimes the girls would would come over and try to comfort me.

Today I was on the roof, visiting Tiberius to talk about my emotions. I thought if I spoke out what I'm feeling, then I wouldn't be hurt anymore.

" are you doing?" Tiberius asked me.

"Horrible," I replied.

"Hm yeah seems like that. So you must be still hurting from your break up with Max?"

"*sniff* Yeah. It's just, I never expected Max to do such a thing. It's not like him to mate with another dog."

"Well there might be a reason."

"Oh are you taking his side now!" I got frustrated.

"No I'm not taking anyone's side. I just think there might be an explanation to his wrong doing."

"Well he made that really clear by insulting me."

"But you were the one who hit him and insulted him as well, soooo..."


Tiberius sighed. "Well you can't actually believe that he did it on his own will."

"Weren't you the one who said he would be most likely to do it?"

"I said that between both of you, he would be most problematic to do so, but I never said he, judging his characteristics, that he would do so or not."

I stayed quiet for a while.

Then he broke the silence saying, "I suggest, just my opinion, that you guys talk it out."

"What? You want me to talk to him?"

"Yes. It would most likely help benefit the problem. Sometimes that's how some relationships work out."

I thought about what he said. Should I talk to him? I really don't want to seem him again. I could wait once the time is right, but when?


Max's Pov

I layed in my bed with bloodshot eyes from crying so much, with many thoughts running through my head. Some were about Gidget, and some resulted in committing suicide. I tried to commit suicide once or twice in the past couple of days. Of course I wasn't gonna do it, but I just kept thinking about it. Sometimes my friends would try to comfort me saying things like it wasn't your fault or forget Gidget. But how can I forget her. She was the greatest thing to me in my life.

As I was lost in my thoughts, Snowball, Duke, Buddy, Mel, Chloe, and the girls came in through the window. Here comes more comforting.

"How you feeling Max?" Snowflake asked.

"Like my heart is missing," I responded with no emotion in my voice.

"Max, I would say get out more but you already do, so you need to get cleaned up," Snowball said.

"Why should I?" I asked. "I have nothing to do."

"All you've been doing was lay in your bed, moping around the apartment, and just leave not telling what you're doing."


"Max this is ridiculous," Duke said. "Are you that messed up over someone?"

Then came the insults. And there gonna hurt. "Uh, have you ever loved someone so much you would die for them? Because it seems like you don't know what love is. So go back to the pound for all I care."

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