Chapter 3: That Night Out

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Max's Pov

I woke up just in time for breakfast. I saw Katie feeding our bowls. Duke was already up chewing on a bone. I yawned and stretched out my body, remembering what happened yesterday, and what might happen today. I had a really great time with Gidget, *sigh* she made my day, I thought to myself.

"Well look at you Max, looking handsome in that bowtie," Katie said, petting me. "Looks like you had a very special day yesterday."

Ha ha, you have know idea, I thought to myself. Why didn't she question it? Oh well.

I saw as she got her phone and her keys, and was getting ready to leave again. For the first time, I really didn't mind all that much. She said goodbye as usual, and instead of standing in front of the door, I layed in my bed thinking.

"Thought you'd be at the door again Max," said Duke.

"Well I don't feel up for it today," I replied. We heard a scratch at our window and saw Chloe and Mel. Buddy came through the door again.

"Sup Max," he says, "How's it hanging?"

"Well nothing much," I said.

"Is it really?" Chloe scoffed, "Cause you seem like you had a good time or something."

"Oh yeah, speaking of good time, aren't you going to tell me how your date went?" asked Duke. Everyone's eyes widened once they heard what Duke said.

"So that's why your happy, huh?" asked Buddy. "Who did you go out with?"

"Well I went out with Gidget," I responded. "She had on a purple bow with a diamond in the middle, and I wore my bowtie, if you were wondering why I was wearing one. We got a ride from Tattoo to Central Park and a picnic set up for us from Duke. We ate and after we talked for 2 hours, and it got better from there. We had our first kiss and I walked her home."

"Are you guys doing anything this weekend?" asked Mel.

"We were gonna go out today actually."

"Wow that fast!?" asked Chloe.

"What can I say? She had me mesmerized."


Gidget's Pov

I was watching my favorite TV show. The new episode finally came out. It was about Maria going out on a date with her true love, and they had their first kiss. Kinda like me and Max, I thought to myself. I looked back into last night. It was the best day ever. Max looked sooo handsome in his bowtie, and the kiss, OH I loved our first kiss. If I was in heat, then we would have been at it all night. I wanted to share my experience to someone really bad. Then I thought of somebody. I could talk to him.


"It seems like you had a good time yesterday," Tiberous said.

"I had a great time!" I yelled. "It was better than I could ever imagine."

"So he's still dreamy as ever, ha."

"Yeah yeah, very funny. For your information he was. That's why we were going to go out again today."

"Wow that eager for more? You guys remind me of Romeo and Juliet, how those two couldn't be separated for more than a minute."

"I don't care, it's true love."

"Doesn't mean you guys will be together forever."

My eyes widened and I looked at him. "What do you mean?"

"Oh nothing it's just your relationship might not last forever. For instance one of you might move away because of your owners, or maybe...nah I don't want to say it."

"No come on, you brought it up, might as well say it."

" of you might cheat on the other."

My mind slowly stopped in a screech. Cheating? Cheating!? "I would never cheat on Max!"

"Oh I know you wouldn't, but Max-"

"NO! Don't you dare say it!"

"What? I'm just saying it's possible."

"Max would never do such a thing!"

"Do you truly think or know that though?"

I started thinking about it. I don't know about Max. I was the one who waited for years to be with him, but he hasn't even thought about it. Would he? ...No, of course he wouldn't.

"I doubt that Tiberius. Max is a good person."

"I just don't want you to get hurt, Gidget."

"Don't worry, that will never happen."

We sat there quietly for a minute until he said, "Well I'm going to go out hunting, unless you want to come along?"

"Uh, no thanks," I replied nervously. He took off flying and I went home, but I stopped once I saw Max and his friends talking in his apartment. Probably talking about us. It wouldn't hurt to talk to. I walked through the open window and greeted everybody.

"Hey guys," I said happily.

They all turned to me and Max said, "Hey Gidget, how's your morning been going?"

"Going well, just talked to Tiberius, until he flew off hunting," I replied, walking up to him and nuzzling the side of his muzzle.

"Well we were just talking about your date," Chloe said, with a smirk. I knew they were.

"So what do you guys want to do before you go out," asked Buddy. We all started thinking. I thought of something quickly.

"How about Pop's house?" I asked. They all nodded in agreement. Then we all left to Pop's house.

Here it is, the third chapter. I thought this story wasn't going to be all that good, since I'm only 15, but it's alright. I want to give a quick shoutout to 'OlvinUmanzor' for the support. Hope you make another chapter for your story, Max and Gidget: The First Date, you guys should check it out, really good. Keep up the good work bruh. Leave a comment if you like and I'll talk to you guys later.

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