My One-2

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As we walked further away from the others I kept wondering what was going on in his head. So far he had never considered me as a burden & such, of course we just had a couple of disagreements though. We were standing in a secluded area, the moon was shining brightly.
Anya: "What seems to be the matter, Thorin? Is everything...?"
He interrupted me by placing his finger on his lips.
Thorin: "Just trust me, love & turn around for a minute."
Slightly confused but I obeyed & turned my back to him. I felt something cool & smooth around my neck, then I felt Thorin's fingers brush against my neck as he placed my long hair over my left shoulder. Although despite feeling butterflies in my stomach for I could feel his warm breath on my neck as he clasped the necklace. My hand touched the locket, wha...the locket? My locket the one which I had assumed was lost in the goblin's cave. Quickly turned around to face Thorin, tears began to gather at the corner of my eyes. He seemed nervous for he was rubbing at the back of his neck, he could clearly see the question in my eyes.
Thorin:(Clearing his throat)"I'm sure you must have assumed that your locket was either lost or stolen back at the goblin's cave. I can assure you, Anya, I had no intention of stealing it. But I had kept it safe from those goblin's greedy clutches the moment we had landed in their cage & before we got captured."
Seeing that there was no response coming from me so he continued. I kept my face down but I was listening. He blushed slightly as if embarrassed.
Thorin: "I knew how important this locket was to you, because its your family a part of you, just like your father's jacket was...!"
I did not let him finish because I had wrapped my arms around his neck to hug him, holding him close, tears flowing down my face.
Anya: "Oh, thank you, thank you so much, Thorin! You have no idea how grateful I am. You did not just returned my locket to me but my life. I don't know how can I repay you...!"
Abruptly, I stopped talking. I became so ecstatic from getting my locket back, I had not noticed that Thorin's body had stiffened, he was not breathing & I could feel his heart beating fast. Awkward, seriously! I began to move away from him but I heard his chest make a slight rumbling sound & suddenly he wrapped his arms around my waist tightly. He pulled me against his body hard which knocked the wind out of my body. I felt him bury his face between my neck & shoulder, his soft beard tickled my skin which caused me to blush furiously. Softly, he murmured my name against my skin as he inhaled my scent. Our hearts were beating as one as we remained this way, the way he was holding me it felt as if he would never let me go. Then this means that he feels the same thing? Even though this hug was much different than the one he gave to Bilbo. I haven't felt this much warmth in my soul in a long time, ever since I lost my family. Slowly we moved apart, his warm breath was fanning my face as he gently cupped my face in between his hands. My eyes were closed as his thumbs tenderly caressed my cheeks, wiping my tears away, my hands were gripping his wrists. I was afraid to look at him for some reason, he touched our foreheads together gently. This was dwarf's way for showing affection in love or friendship.
Thorin: "Anya, open your eyes & look at me."
Not realizing that I was holding my breath, slowly I opened my eyes. Blue ones connected with the golden-brown ones, it created a spark between us. He was staring at me with such intensity, causing me to lower my eyes to the ground, blushing. He chuckled lightly as his fingers began to trail down from my face to my neck tenderly. His warm breath tickled my ear making me shiver slightly, his hand trailing lower.
Thorin: "I love it whenever you blush this way so rosily, Anya. You are so beautiful not only from the outside but inside as well. I know that everyone had grown fond of you, lass."(Growling slightly)"But you belong to me, Anya & I won't let any man touch you. You are mine!"
I was shocked once he said those words, this possessive way of his was new to me.
Anya:(Stumbling words)"Thorin, I...I don't know what to say...!"
My body stiffened once his arm grasped my waist, pulling me close to his body. His lips touched mine briefly, I could not respond, overwhelmed! Cupping my face again as he stepped back, with a tender smile on his face.
Thorin: "I know that not only Bilbo Baggins risked his life to save me, Anya, but you did the same for your own reason. No use to lie, my love, because your eyes do not."
I bit my lip blushing, was I that open to him. He touched our foreheads together, softly sighing.
Thorin: "I have to confess, Anya, I was really doubtful about having a woman on board. But when the first time I saw you at Bilbo's house, I was stunned. You were not what I expected you to be!"
Anya: "Did you expect a woman about Gandalf's age with a staff & a bent body?"
We both laughed at this, he shook his head. My Nana was like Gandalf but a bit eccentric. Her name was Anya & she had died when I was 4.
Thorin: "Not exactly old but not so young either, beautiful & smart. Your father would be proud."
Anya: "Actually, Thorin, if my father was alive today he would keep me away from all this. He would protect me, he had always treated me as if I was fragile. It was Gandalf & Lord Elrond who believed in me."
Thorin: "About that, Anya, I wanted to apologize. I was jealous between this fondness you had with Lord Elrond."
Anya: "But he is my friend, Thorin. I respect him the same way as I do to Gandalf."
Thorin: "I understand that now, love. But for now I need to ask you something."
He laced our fingers together, our eyes locked, I was holding my breath. Waiting.
Thorin: "Will you allow me to court you? I cannot explain this, Anya, but in my heart I know you are my One?"
I was stunned, the dwarf's courting was much different than the human's. We fall in & out of love, whereas the dwarfs fall in love only once in their life. Their feelings for their One is permanent. I looked at Thorin, waiting for my answer. I shyly smiled as I nodded my head. He beamed with joy as he swung me around in his arms. Placing my feet on the ground, his hand gripped me at the nape of my neck bringing me closer. I closed my eyes, waiting, when suddenly a loud cough snapped us to our senses. Not again. Turning, to my dismay I saw that it was Gandalf, he seemed amused. I turned my face away blushing, Thorin who noticed my discomfort had a grim look on his face. He held my hand as we walked towards the wizard. Did he see the whole thing?, my inner voice asked.
Thorin: "What is it, Gandalf? Is something the matter?"
Gandalf: "Actually, I came here to let you know that Bilbo is on his way down, Thorin."
Thorin nodded his head & we moved forward but I released my hand from the dwarf's turned to glare at Gandalf. Daring him to say something. But instead he hugged me, chuckling.
Gandalf: "It took a little longer than I had expected but I am happy for you both, Anya."
He then turned to leave & I just stood there gaping after him. Seriously!?! I simply shook my head & decided to go back.

1355 words!

It is done the rest shall be in book 3, ciao.🙌🙋😘

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