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Thorin:(Pulling his sword out)"Warg scouts?!? Which means an orc pack are not far behind."
I rolled my eyes at this & pinched my nose feeling an oncoming headache. This caught the attention of the two wizards heading towards us.
Bilbo: "An Orc pack?"
Gandalf: "Who did you tell besides your kin about this quest?"
Thorin: "No one...!"
Gandalf: "Who did you tell?"
Thorin: "No one I swear, what in Durin's name is going on?"
Anya: "I'm afraid that you are being hunted, Thorin."
He stared at me shocked, I would be too if I was in his shoes.
Dwalin: "Thorin, we need to get out of here at once."
Ori: "We can't our ponies they have bolted."
My jaw dropped at this info, Eva too, how could she we hardly ever been apart not since she was a baby. Kili gave me a side hug to make me feel better, he was a sweetheart just like my brother, Anakin.
Radagast: "I shall hold them off while you lot make a run for it."
Gandalf: "These are Gundabad wargs they shall outrun you!"
Radagast: "These are Rhosgobel rabbits, I'd like to see them try."
What a brave fellow, I was beginning to like him already. Few minutes later he took off with his Rhosgobel rabbits & surely enough the orc pack astride their wargs started chasing him. They were fast but he was faster, impressive. Gandalf who knew this area well, began to lead us away from the chase, we followed from one hiding spot to another just to avoid being seen. I kept my eye out not only for the enemy but Bilbo also so he would not be left behind. We rounded a bent made a stop but Ori kept on going, I tried to stop him but Thorin caught him by his collar on time & pulled him back. Whew, he is a good leader. The others started moving but Thorin held me & Gandalf back.
Thorin: "Where are you leading us?"
Gandalf did not answer & I simply shrugged my shoulders. I giggled quietly when I saw the dwarf roll his eyes, he is so cute when he grumbles like that. Whoa, Seriously, Anya, focus on your situation right now, my inner voice scolded me. Surely enough though I spotted one of the orcs stop who began staring at the direction we were headed to. Quickly, I gestured both Gandalf & Thorin, we hid behind a boulder, I was sandwiched between Thorin & Kili. I sensed that orc on top of us I tried to lean forward to peek but Thorin placed his arm against my stomach & pulled me back, making me flinch. He gestured to Kili who nocked an arrow & shot the orc, it made too much noise while it fell along with the warg. The dwarfs somehow killed them but by now the orcs had discovered us. We started following the wizard, I knew what he was upto & where he plans to lead us, I also know that Thorin will not like it. Those orcs began to surround us just as we came out into the open.
Bilbo: "Where is Gandalf?"
Dwalin: "He has abandoned us!"
No way, I refuse to believe that but given he circumstances we now had to face our enemy, for more were coming at us.
Thorin: "Everyone hold your ground. Anya, Kili shoot them."
I already had my bow & arrows out, together we started shooting them from our left to our right. Then I whipped a look behind me when I heard a familiar voice, Gandalf, that cheeky wizard.
Gandalf: "This way you fools."
The company headed straight towards him while Kili & I kept shooting giving the others the chance to escape. Just as they all made it to safety it was our turn.
Thorin: "Anya, Kili, run!"
Kili: "Anya, come on, lets go."
Anya: "Don't worry about me you go ahead I'll catch up with you soon."
Thorin: "Don't be stubborn, woman, just get down here, at once."
But I chose to ignore him & kept on shooting, stubborn indeed. A few minutes later I heard a horn being blown, an elvish horn, sure enough a few Elvish horse-riders came just in time & slayed the filth. One of the orcs came quite close to me but it soon got his head cut off by the leader of the Elf, Lord Elrond.
Anya:(Smiling)"Greetings, Lord Elrond. It took you long enough."
Lord Elrond: "Ah! Anya, my dear child, keeping yourself occupied as usual I see. Tell me is Gandalf nearby?"
I simply shrugged & smiled at him, he leaned towards me I grabbed his arm & he easily hauled me behind him on his horse. We continued attacking the orcs until a few barely managed to escape with their lives. Then we headed back to Imraldis otherwise known as Rivendell, my second home.
I remembered being brought to Lord Elrond after the orc attack by Gandalf, in a pitiful state so was Andrein. But he left Rivendell a few days later to seek his revenge on Azog. Which proved to be suicidal in the end. Lord Elrond & the healers never gave up on me while Gandalf went to pursue my brother. It took many weeks for me to recover to my normal self. I was told a year later that they had recovered the bodies of my family & were buried here in Rivendell. At first they tried to pamper me like a princess but I refused to, as I got older, Lord Elrond could see through my stubborness & he began to train me himself. Archery, horse-riding & sword fighting even the art of healing, he would always say that I remind him of my father. By the age of 18, I was ready to face the world with Gandalf as my guide for a year of course. I would often visit Lord Elrond, my mentor & teacher also a good friend of my parents.
On our way back I told Lord Elrond about the 13 dwarfs & a hobbit, not mentioning about the quest of course for Gandalf had strictly told me not to. When we arrived there, crossing the bridge, I rolled my eyes as I saw them huddled together with Bilbo caught in the middle, while being circled by the riders. As we got closer I could not resist smiling at the grumbled expression on Thorin's face as he saw us, even Fili & Kili had dropped their jaws in shock. I waved at Bilbo who smiled back at me, dismounting the horse along with Lord Elrond who greeted Gandalf. Lindir was also there, he smiled at me as he bowed & I did the same.
Lord Elrond: "Strange to have an orcs so near our borders. Something or someone must have drawn them here."
Gandalf: "That must have been us, I'm sure Anya must have given you the details."
Lord Elrond: "Indeed she did, it is always a pleasure to meet my former pupil, her parents would be proud."
I bowed slightly at that with respect, I could feel a pair of eyes burning holes at my back. Turning it was Thorin not happy in the least. Lord Elrond turned towards him.
Lord Elrond: "Welcome, Thorin, son of Thrain, son of Thror."
Thorin: "I believe we have never met."
Lord Elrond: "You have your grandfather's bearings. I knew Thror when he ruled under the mountain."
Thorin: "Indeed, but he never mentioned you."
Ookay, I did not like the tone of his voice, rude much?!? Then Lord Elrond began to speak in Elvish which for some reason Gloin did not like.
Gloin:(Growling)"What he says? Does he offer us an insult?"
Anya: "No, Master Gloin, he is offering you some food."
I smiled as they discussed among themselves & decided to accept the invitation. Once inside I headed towards my old room to freshen up for lunch, yes, I still remember these halls like the back of my hands. Its good to be back, brings back good memories.

1330 words!

A Hobbit's Tale-An Unexpected Friendship.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora