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Gandalf: "Thorin!?!" My eyes filled with tears again as I stared at the wizard, clutching his arm.
Anya:(Sniffing)"Gandalf, please do something, he is not waking up!"
Gandalf: "Calm yourself, my child! Let me think."
Then he placed his hand over Thorin's face & began mumbling some words in an unknown language. Which I have never heard before, probably one of his spells. I felt a hand on my shoulder, looking up it was Fili, his eyes were filled with compassion. I know both him & his brother were worried about their uncle, he was like their father. The others had also gathered near us, hoping that their leader was ok! Bilbo was standing a little further away from the group but he was also worried for Thorin. I saw Thorin move a little, he opened his eyes. He looked at me first & he gave me a slight smile. I was too choked up to say anything just relieved to see him alive.
Thorin: "Are those tears for me, lass? Or is this just a dream?"
Right now I know I look really pathetic but Thorin's tender smile did something to my heart, jeez! Then Balin came next to me holding my jacket in his hand. Thanking him I took it from him with a smile. Then I noticed Thorin flinch a little, at first I thought that it was because he was still in pain. But he looked at Gandalf in question.
Thorin: "The halfling?"
Gandalf: "Its alright, Bilbo is here, he is quite safe."
Bilbo sighed a breath of relief, the rest of us stood up to give Thorin some fresh air. Despite his discomfort, Thorin tried to stand up. Dwalin grabbed his one arm while Kili grabbed his other & together they got him to his feet. I was standing behind them, Thorin shrugged his arms free. From here I could tell that the dwarf was glaring at Bilbo. I held my breath not knowing what to expect. Seriously!?!
Thorin:(Gruff tone)"YOU! What were you doing? You almost got yourself killed!"
Ookay! Not good, as I frowned at the tone of his voice. Honestly? Bilbo had risked his life to save him, that ungrateful dwarf. He still doubts him? I was about to move towards but Dwalin held me back, shaking his head. I bit my lip & just stood there as I watched Thorin take small steps towards the hobbit. I looked at Gandalf, he looked concerned too with this situation.
Thorin: "Did I not say that you would be a burden? That you would not survive in the wild? And that you had no place amongst us?"
I felt my heart sink, as I saw poor Bilbo with that similar dejected look he had on his face, like back at the misty mountains. Seriously!
Thorin: "I have never been so wrong in all my life!"
To everyone's surprise & delight Thorin stepped forward to hug Bilbo. That is right Thorin Oakenshield was hugging Bilbo Baggins! Instead of feeling awkward or such we all cheered in relief, glad to know that Thorin was not mad at all. As for me I felt a huge burden release from my shoulder, finally that stubborn dwarf had accepted Bilbo. Kili took my jacket to help me put it on! Thorin released Bilbo to look at him.
Thorin: "I'm sorry I doubted you!" Wow!
Bilbo: "No, no, I would have doubted me too! I mean I'm no hero or a warrior."(He looked at Gandalf next)"Not even a burglar!"
Everyone chuckled at that & Thorin smiled at him. Then our saviors the eagles took their flight, we watched these magnificent birds leave. I silently thanked them & I was sure that their services shall be needed again in the near future. Looking back I saw Thorin staring at something above Bilbo's head. Bilbo also turned his head in the same direction.
Bilbo: "Is that what I think it is?"
Stiffly Thorin walked closer to the edge, we followed as well. Surely enough in the distance among a few clouds, the peak of a mountain could be seen.
Gandalf: "Erebor, the Lonely mountain. The last of the Dwarfish Kingdom in the Middle-Earth!"
Thorin:(Softly)"Our home."
We were nearly there, no doubt about it! Thorin looked about the company, then he looked at me & gave me a full smile. It completely threw me off, but I was able to hide my nervousness. God, the way he looked at me, jeez! Then we heard a chirping sound above our heads, looking up we saw a small bird headed towards the mountain.
Oin: "Look, its a raven! The birds are heading towards the mountain!"
Gandalf: "That, my dear Oin, was a Thrush."
Thorin: "No matter. But we will take it as a sign. A sign of good omen."
Bilbo: "You are right. I do believe the worst is behind us!"
We all stood there on the Carrock Rock, watching the thrush fly towards the mountain in silence. Somehow at the back of my mind I knew that there is a very little chance of that. Not only we had to face Smaug the Terrible but also Azog the Defilor, whom we had left behind, though. Who knows what more we had to face before we reach the Lonely Mountain.

885 words!

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