22-Goblin Town

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Together, we kept falling down a tunnel in such a speed that neither of us could grab hold of something or anything. What seemed like an hour we fell down a chute & landed in some sort of a wooden cage. I landed on a brick wall but it made a grunting sound, looking up my eyes locked in his blue eyes. Oh boy, I landed on Thorin Oakenshield. Before I could move his arms went swiftly around me tightly. Next minute he was on top of me, I held my breath not because he was heavy but we were this close for the first time. Our bodies touching, hoo boy! Soon the others came tumbling down on us. Then a pair of legs landed on Thorin's back making him grunt again as the others piled on top of us. Then it dawned on me that he was protecting me, why? I saw Bilbo land on top of the pile, then I heard noises behind the dwarfs as I clutched Thorin's shoulders to look. My eyes widened as I saw those smelly, slimy creatures coming towards us. Goblins, ugh!?!
Dori: "Look out!"
The foul beings, they began to grab us one by one, an army of goblins I might add. Thorin tried to hold onto my hand but they managed to separate us. They began removing our weapons & stuff. They grabbed me by my arms, hauling me to my feet, one of them pulled my hair, ouch! Seriously? Furious, I started to punch them & tried not to throw up because not only for the fact they reek of foul smell but were also downright ugly. Thorin was in front of me even he tried his best to fight back as did the others even Dwalin. But they were relentless, sighing, what can be done? We were in their territory, right!?! Suddenly a loud clanging was heard up ahead, ow, what the? Was that music? Seriously? We were in Goblin Town, being taken to their leader, obviously. In front of Thorin, I noted Bifur had covered his ears because of that noise, who could blame him! They continuously pushed us forward as this sound became louder, along with singing! Say what? Singing? Ouch!

"Clap, snap the black crack!
Grip, grab, pinch & nab!
Batter & beat!
Make them stammer & squeak!
Pound, pound far undergroundddd...
Down, down, down in Goblin Town..."

Ugh! Seriously, they weren't even rhyming making my head pound. As we got closer to the source of this singer, my jaw literally dropped to the ground.

"With a swish & a smack & a whip & a crack!
Everybody talks when they're on my rack!
Pound, pound far underground...
Down, down, down to Goblin Town..."

There standing before us was no doubt the Goblin King. The ugliest looking creature by far & the worst singer, ever! We felt repulsed as we were standing directly in front of him. I noticed just as he reaches the last line of the song his minions joins in chorus.
'Down, down, down in Goblin-Town!'

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