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I helped Bilbo to his feet he was clearly avoiding me by staring at the ground. He really was hurt by the harsh words of Thorin Oakenshield. I let out a deep breath & followed the others in the cave. I overheard Thorin tell Dwalin to search the cave, good idea, caves like these are seldom unoccupied. Dwalin declared that the it was safe, relieved the company removed their heavy baggages, happy to be out of the rain & cold. I began to rub my cold hands, took out my bed-roll. Gloin wanted to light a fire but Thorin denied it.
Balin: "We were supposed to meet Gandalf at the pass of the mountains. That was the plan."
Thorin: "Plans have changed, everyone get some rest we shall depart before the light. Bofur you shall take the first watch."
I was setting up my bed when I happen to look up towards Bilbo, he still had that dejected look on his face. Poor Bilbo, he had travelled this far with us, Thorin had no right to say those words, I really felt bad for him. Slowly I stood up & walked towards where I saw Thorin with Dwalin, they were having a serious discussion about something. As I walked closer the burly dwarf looked at me raising his thick eyebrows, Thorin turned his head to look. There was a strange gleam in his eyes as he saw me, hoo boy, this dwarf was getting to me. Calm yourself, Anya. Huffing lightly, I went closer to them.
Anya: "Thorin, mind if I have a word with you? Excuse us, Mr. Dwalin."
Nodding his head, we turned aside to talk in private, Thorin was about to speak but I interrupted him, rude I know. He was our leader & all.
Anya: "Was it really necessary as to what you said back there?"
Thorin:(Raising his eyebrows, amused)"I'm sorry, did I miss something?"
Anya:(Huffing lightly)"Don't be daft, you know very well what you said to Bilbo Baggins. There was no reason to do that."
Thorin: "I see, but I simply stated the truth, lass. You can clearly see for yourself, he has no sense as it is."
Anya:(Placing my hands on my hips)"How would you know? Ok, I admit Bilbo is not accustomed to this kind of venture like you & I are. But all of this is new & frightening for him. The least we could do is lend him a shoulder now & then."
Thorin:(Frowning)"Are you suggesting that we ought to babysit him? At this rate the Durin's Day shall pass & we will have nothing!"
Anya: "That is not what I meant, now seriously listen to me, Thorin, Bilbo did not choose to be here, alright. Gandalf chose him for a reason & I happen to trust his judgement. Besides the hobbit did save us from those trolls remember?"
He began to mumble something in Khuzdul & began to walk away but quickly I grabbed his arm.
Anya: "Whoa, there I'm not finished yet please, Thorin, cut him some slack for once. He is a good person at heart. Who knows he might surprise you in the end!"
He looked into my eyes first then at my hands still holding his arm. I quickly let go & stepped back, my face heating up slightly. He looked at me with a smirk on his face, turned to leave. My shoulders slumped, I felt a headache coming on, pinching my nose I went to my bed to catch some shut-eye. Hopefully this storm ends soon for we still had a long way to go. I could hear the storm rumbling outside, sighing I closed my eyes. I don't know how long I've slept for suddenly I felt someone's presence hovering over me. Opening one eye I saw two familiar boots in front of me, Thorin? What does he want now? I assumed like the others he might also be asleep. I shut my eyes pretending to sleep, I could tell he had bent lower then he took a deep breath. I could feel the heat of his gaze upon me, so I held my breath. His fingers tenderly caressed my cheek making me tremble inside. Then he gently tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear. He whispered something in Khuzdul then he left, I released my breath slowly. I was completely confused about this situation between me & Thorin. Part of me wants me to accept this attraction between us while the other part insists that one of us is reliable to get hurt, emotionally. I hope that tomorrow this shall blow over, it seems that we both are too stubborn! Sleep took over me soon. I began to hear two voices whispering loudly. I could not make it out at first but one of belongs to Bilbo Baggins.
Bilbo: "No, you don't understand, none of you do. You are dwarfs, you are used to this life. Always on the road, never settling in one place. Not belonging anywhere."
I frowned at these harsh words from the hobbit, slowly I opened my eyes & looked. I saw Bilbo & Bofur standing by the entrance of the cave, Bofur had a sad expression on his face.
Bilbo: "Look, I'm sorry, I didn't mean..."(Clearing his throat, awkwardly).
Bofur: "No, you are right, we don't belong anywhere."
My eyes went to Bilbo's bagpack & his walking stick, I snapped wide awake.
Anya:(Standing up)"Oi, what is going on here? You are leaving us? For real, but where will you go?"
Bilbo:(Again not looking at me)"Back to Rivendell first then return to Shire, my home."
Bofur nudged me on my arm as if he wants me to convince him to stay.
Anya:(Folding my arms)"Bilbo Baggins, please look at me & tell me that the reason you are leaving us because of what Thorin said?"
Bilbo: "I cannot lie to you, Anya. He was right I should not have come. Besides I'm a Baggins not a Took. I made it this far because of you & I shall always be grateful, but I do feel like a burden."
He had definitely changed his mind I could tell. Part of me does not blame him yet I felt disappointed though.
Anya:(Sighing)"Guess there is no way I could make you change your mind now, can I?"
At that I noticed Bofur slump his shoulders, disappointed obviously.
Bilbo:(Shaking his head sadly)"But I shall never forget you, Anya, in fact all of you."
Anya: "Very well, you be careful alright! Be sure to send me a letter through Lord Elrond once you've reached Rivendell safely, ok?"
I ruffled his dark blond hair lightly, smiling at him sadly, Bofur patted his shoulder.
Bofur: "Aye, I wish you all the luck in the world. I really do."(I was about to turn back so was Bilbo)"What is that?"
Quickly I turned my head as Bilbo slowly lifted his sword, it was glowing in blue. Bilbo & I stared at each other our eyes widening in alarm. Behind me I heard Thorin's gruff voice, waking everyone up. Before anyone could react the floor of the cave fell beneath our feet & we fell in the darkness below. Only one thing registered in my mind, Goblins!?!

1214 words!

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