24-Out of the Frying Pan!

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I began helping others by pulling the debris out, I helped Thorin out first then the others & Thorin also chipped in. Then I heard Kili shouting Gandalf's name, looking up to my utter dismay a horde of goblins headed down the mountain wall, towards us. There were hundreds of them, jeez! Quickly we started pulling others out.
Dwalin: "There is too many of them, we can't fight them all!"
He was pulling Nori out as he said that & I nodded in agreement.
Gandalf: "Only one thing can save us, daylight! Move, quickly."
Feeling a little flustered after seeing so many goblins, I felt Thorin's hand on my arm & he pushed me forward. Stumbling slightly I followed Gandalf, I could still hear the shrill sounds coming from those creatures, ugh! Soon we found the exit from the accursed mountain, we made a dash for it. Relieved to escape from those goblins & be out in the fresh air, the sun was beginning to set as we ran down the mountain slopes. I was running beside Fili & Kili, Gandalf began counting us off to make sure that no one was left behind. I leaned next to a tree to catch my breath, feeling lucky to be alive though. My hand went to my locket but instead I felt empty air, flinching as I looking down. To my great shock that my locket was missing, but how? I was positive that I could not have dropped it or did I? What if those filthy goblins took it, I felt my heart sink to my boots, that locket was my only connection to my family. Even though I was distraught at the loss but the mention of a missing hobbit snapped me back to reality. Wha...?! Bilbo Baggins is missing? I slumped my shoulders at my carelessness, I should have kept my eyes on him. The others looked around as well, but no sign of Bilbo. Where is he?
Gandalf:(Completely flustered)"Where is our hobbit?"
Gloin: "Curse the halfling, now he is lost? I thought he was with Dori."
Dori:(Irritated tone)"Don't blame me!"
I pinched my nose to prevent the headache that was coming on. I could feel the atmosphere tense around me.
Gandalf:(Turning to me)"Where did you last see him? Anya?"
Nori: "I saw him slip away back there when they first collared us."
I stared at Nori just as Gandalf turned towards him. That is true, Bilbo did fall down that tunnel like the rest of us...!
Gandalf: "What happened exactly? Tell me!"
Thorin:(Gruff tone)"I'll tell you what happened, Master Baggins, saw his chance & he took it. He has thought of nothing but his soft bed & warm hearth since he first stepped out of his door. We shall not be seeing our hobbit again. He is long gone."
The company were silent after what he said, I for one felt really irritated at the audacity of this stubborn dwarf. He still has doubts about the halfling, I folded my arms while glaring at him. But Thorin was unfazed & he simply smirked at me as if saying to me, 'I told you so', seriously? I gritted my teeth & I could feel Thorin's nephews looking at me curiously. I was about give Thorin a piece of my mind, when at the corner of my eye I saw Bilbo standing next to a tree near Thorin, what the!?!
Bilbo: "No, he hasn't!"
I let out a breath of relief just seeing him standing there safe, as did the others, besides Dwalin & Thorin, really?!
Gandalf: "Bilbo Baggins, I have never been so glad to see anyone in my life!"
Bilbo smiled at Gandalf as he patted Balin's shoulder, then slightly winked at me.
Kili:(Smiling)"Bilbo, we had given up on you!"
Fili:(Frowning)"But how did you get past the goblins?"
Dwalin:(Murmuring)"How Indeed?!"
I had the same thought as well, its true as I scrutinized the hobbit. The rest of us had few bruises & little scratches, meanwhile Bilbo had none besides a few missing buttons on his waistcoat. He was about to explain but Gandalf interfered.
Gandalf: "What does it matter? He is back!"
Thorin threw Gandalf a look, I held my breath waiting.
Thorin: "It does matter, tell me. Why did you come back?"
Seriously? Bilbo looked at Thorin & had a slight grimace on his face.
Bilbo: "I know, I know you doubt me, you always have. And you are right, I often think of Bag-End. I miss my books, my armchair & my garden. You see that is where I belong, that is home. So the reason I came back is because you don't have one, a home. It was taken from you & I'm going to try my best to help you get it back, if I can."
Almost, I mean almost felt like crying after what he just said, it really warmed my heart. Looking around at others even they had the same feeling I could tell. Sighing, he really had a good heart, Bilbo Baggins. As for Thorin he had a this expression on his face as if he felt he ought to take back those harsh words, the ones he had blurted out. Oh well, what was done is done! The sun was beginning to set, there was a sombre feeling in the air. No sign of those goblins though. Then all that tranquility was suddenly shattered by that familiar warg's howl. Again?!? We all flinched & looked about us.
Thorin:(Grimly)"Out of the frying pan!"
Gandalf: "And into the fire! Run, RUN!?!"
As soon those growls came closer we made a dash between the trees & down the cliffside. Growling & snarling these beasts began to attack but we could defended ourselves. I threw a couple of my daggers straight between a warg's eyes & it instantly fell dead at my feet. Not far from me I saw Bilbo aim his small sword straight into the head of one. We kept on running but could go no further, for we were near the edge. Flustered at knowing the fact that we were now trapped, nowhere else to go. First we had to deal with the goblins & now them, in one day? Now the big question was what do we do now?
Gandalf: "Up into the trees, all of you, climb. Bilbo, Anya, climb quickly!"
Climb? A hand fell on my shoulder turning, Thorin was standing near me. He gestured over his shoulder, telling me to join Balin in the tree. I nodded in agreement so he bent down to cup his hands, swiftly I placed my one foot there with my other foot upon his shoulder for extra boost. Quickly grabbing a branch I climbed up the tree, the others had done the same.
Thorin: "They're coming!"
Anya: "Thorin, come on. Climb up the tree, quickly."
He managed to jump the tree branch below me, I held my breath as I made a quick survey around me for the wargs were lingering right beneath us. Waiting to pounce at us, oh great joy! Thankfully, everyone made it safely to the trees, then sensing as if something was not right. Feeling this dread I peeked between the branches. Biggest mistake ever! I felt a chill running through my blood veins, horrified as I stared at what or rather who was standing in front of me. Beneath the moonlight, astride his white warg was none other than the pale orc. Azog the Defilor, no way!? The moonlight was giving his appearance a ghostly presence as he stared at us or rather at someone in particular. Not to mention the price on his head!
Thorin:(Whispering, horrified)"Azog!?! It can't be!"
I felt my body give a slight jerk as I looked below me, at the dwarf's figure, Thorin. As if sensing my gaze he looked up at me & our eyes locked, his eyes were filled with such anger & helplessness, my heart went out to him. I wanted to go to him, to hug him, just to let him know that he is not alone in this. I'm sure by now the company felt the same way for their leader & friend. Azog began to speak in his black speech, I could understand a few sentences, my father tried to teach us this difficult language though. I was stunned to hear him speak about Prince Thrain, Thorin's father & that how he had killed him? He pointed his weapon towards Thorin whom he wanted for himself & he ordered his minions to kill the rest of us. My heart began to pound like a drum as an army of wargs charged straight towards us. Watching them jump, snarl & snap at the tree's branches, not only literally but generally shook us. But we hung on despite the attack, I could see that Azog was enjoying himself. Next the trees began to fall like dominoes, quickly we all jumped from one tree to another. Finally we landed on the last tree on which Gandalf was perched near the top. This tree was near the edge of the cliff! Seriously!?

1517 words!

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